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The Followers of Horus

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The Followers



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Horus was the Divine son of Isis and Osiris.  Osiris was the human aspect of God who came down to earth to give knowledge to mankind.  He was murdered, cut into fourteen parts and ultimately put together again by the magical powers of his sister Isis who caused his resurrection.  Upon his resurrection he determined that they should no more dwell on earth but in heaven.  Osiris would be the Judge of the Dead and Isis would be the Queen of Heaven and mother of his son Horus.  Horus would be the eternal comforter of mankind and fighter of evil.

Does not this story ring the same bells as the story of the life, death and resurrection of Christ, who became the judge of ‘the quick and the dead’?  Is not also the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven in the same fashion as Isis and indeed Mother of God in the same way as her son was Christ and the son of Isis was Horus!

All this poses mind blowing questions that can rock the very core of Christianity if one does not take the broader view that throughout time the truth has been the same and written in different ways at different times to suit different peoples.  The Ancient Egyptians believed in the concept of love thy neighbour as thyself.   This is borne out by the story of Joseph and the famine in Canaan.  The Egyptians did not turn away the Israelites but accepted them and cared for them as their own.  It is grossly unfair that throughout history the Egyptians have been branded as the evil ones of history for the episode brought down to us as the Exodus!

However, who were the real followers of Horus?

The answer to that question can only come from the answer to the question ... Who was Osiris?

There has to be the suggestion that Osiris was not  a being of this world for as we will learn in a different section, the people who worshipped Osiris, knew very well that he came from the constellation of Orion, not from our Earth! 

Does this mean that Osiris was a visitor from outer space who in some way caused humanity to come into being?  Was in effect he the one who genetically engineered mankind? ... and were the followers of Horus the beings he created full of the knowledge that he bestowed upon them?   Were they a master race which was able to effect great things upon this earth in a time so distant that its echoes descend to us in the droplets of its essence in the form of the civilization of Ancient Egypt.

What I am saying is that the Ancient Egyptians themselves had a mere glimmer of the knowledge of their illustrious ancestors who were the beings for whom such edifices as the pyramids and the sphinx were built!

In essence the Followers of Horus could have been the descendants of the beings genetically engineered by Osiris and filled with the knowledge that he bestowed upon them.  Such structures as the Great Pyramid were not built by people with copper chisels and rollers for wheels as conventional Egyptologists would have us believe!



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Last modified: June 22, 2000

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