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The Great Flood

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The Great Flood


The great flood was an event that took place, recorded in legends such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Bible in the story of Noah and his Ark and in geological fact!   The Great Flood is not a figment of the story writer’s imagination, it is a fact that poses so many questions that it has been the topic of many a book and item of research.

The great flood very simply was an event that took place about 12,000 years ago which was caused by the tilting of the northern hemisphere of the earth towards the sun.  In consequence the ice cap which was at that time as far south as Scotland, melted.

Imagine the devastation to the land as a result of such a dramatic thawing.  As stated in the Bible, everything would have perished except for those who had the means of escape.  The only means of escape was a sea going vessel, described in the Bible as the Ark!

This poses many problems for in consequence we have to accept the concept that over 12,000 years ago, twice the distance in time before the civilization of Ancient Egypt, there were civilizations capable of producing such vessels.   Our school books describing the coracle of the Ancient Britons as being the first form of boat has to be drastically re-written!

There is evidence of a very ancient sea-going people of great intelligence and sophistication through the existence of a medieval map of Antarctica.   This map is not of the ice but of the land mass!  As Antarctica was a mass of ice in the Middle Ages, it is impossible for the map to have been an original, it must have been a copy from one made before the flood!   In other words the original map must have been over 12,000 years old!

This is clear evidence for the existence of very sophisticated mariners existing long before our own time and clearly points to the possibility that there must have been very great civilizations long before our own era of history.  History by definition being that which can be recorded.

In the Bible it mentions people who lived for a very long time.  Methuselah being the most famous of these.  There have always been apologetic suggestions as to the calculation of years in order to provide an explanation for this.  Previously we have considered the possibility of a people, who have the ability to genetically engineer, now we have to pose the question ...

Were there people who had the ability to destroy the aging gene and live for as long as the Bible suggests?

There are certain very special people in the Bible, Abraham, Methuselah, Noah and Melchizedeck who were without doubt very special beings.  Abraham had knowledge of the one true God and Noah had a sophisticated technology, which enabled him to survive the flood.  Methuselah was privy to the secrets of genetic engineering and Melchizedek was described as a prototype Christ!  All this adds up to a very peculiar scenario that in logical terms seems incomprehensible!



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Last modified: June 22, 2000

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