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The Mystery of

The Great Pyramid of Khufu

At Giza

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This is perhaps the greatest wonder of all time.  One only has to stand next to it to wonder who built it and for what reason and indeed why at all in the first place!?

The vital statistics of this great edifice are, if you will forgive me yet again for using the term, ‘mind-blowing’!  According to the great Egyptologist Champillion, who deciphered the hieroglyphs, he estimated that there were enough blocks to build a wall 10 meters high all the way round France!  He also stated that it would have taken the perfect cutting, maneuvering and positioning of three blocks, ranging in weight from two and a half tons to over 16 tons at the top, every minute, without stopping for the entire duration of Khufu’s 22 year reign.  Of course he, like everyone else of that time and indeed subsequently, thought that the pyramids were tombs. 

Today, it is believed by those who allow science to invade the great study of Ancient Egypt, that the pyramid is not to have been a tomb but, in some way to have been a star gate, a means of projecting the Pharaoh to his divine progenitors.

There are passages and shafts that were all aligned to the stars at a time suggesting a very much earlier date of creation than that of the reign of Khufu.  Indeed it is only through the daubing of the name of Khufu in red paint in some tiny chamber that even Egyptologists have given that Pharaoh the privilege of constructing it.  It is rather similar to saying that because someone, hundreds of years from now, found a letter signed by Elizabeth II in Buckingham Palace, and that was the only thing pertaining to a monarch to be found, that she was responsible for its construction!

There is no evidence whatsoever for any pharaoh to have been responsible for the construction of the three Great Pyramids of Khufu, his son Kepheren and his grandson Mencaure.  Indeed if we were to accept that they were responsible we would have to accept that they achieved it using the most primitive of tools.

Many scientific Egyptologists now believe that they were the work of a very much more sophisticated race of people thousands of years prior to Khufu.  In fact they believe that the people responsible for the construction of the Sphinx are far more likely candidates.  One very simple factor denies the involvement of dynastic Egyptians in their construction and that is the fact that the walls are not plastered with inscriptions.   Later pyramids that were tombs had the precursor of the Book of the Dead, known simply as the pyramid texts, on their walls.

However, we have not yet determined the function of the Pyramid of Khufu.  It was simply a means of projecting, through the shaft in the King’s chamber, the soul of the dead king to Orion, with whom in death he unites.  The new king undergoes a ritual in which his life forces are suspended for twelve hours in order to accompany his dead predecessor to Osiris and be ‘born again’ as the living Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris.   So, effectively, the Pyramid is a vehicle for Coronation and the projection of the soul to its celestial abode.


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Last modified: June 22, 2000

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