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The Origin of the Universe
The Origin of Man
The Great Flood
The Followers of Horus
The Sphinx
The Great Pyramid
Osiris and Isis
Amon-ra the Lord and Giver of Life
The Amdwat
Smenkhare and Tuankhamon

The Greatest Mysteries of all Time

This comprises 12 volumes available individually at £7.99 or in related groups of four at £25 per set.


Part I .... The Origin of the Universe

This explores the greatest mystery of all. How did our Universe come into existence? There are many theories, many ideas, but which is the most likely?


Part II .... The Origin of Man

This work examines the fact upon which the vast majority of scientists agree, ... man did not evolve, but appeared on Earth between 100 and 200,000 years ago ..How?


Part III .... The Great Flood

The Flood is examined in detail and ideas put forward that are not only food for the mind but are also a key to deeper knowledge of the Bible and other ancient works.


Part IV .... The Followers of Horus

They are the key not only to Ancient Egyptian Civilization, but also to the entire origin of knowledge and civilization throughout the world. Are they our distant ancestors?


Part V .... The Sphinx

It is very much older than is accepted by conventional Egyptologists. This book examines he reasons for its construction and proofs offered for its very great age.


Part VI .... The Great Pyramid

This book examines the great questions of ... who, when and for what purpose this greatest wonder of the Ancient World was built.


Part VII .... Osiris and Isis

This book asks was Osiris a real person or a metaphysical concept? Was Isis, his wife and sister the originator of the concept of resurrection?


Part VIII .... Amon-Ra the Lord and Giver of Life.

He is literally the primordial DNA, the concept of the divine under the microscope: but how did they have the scientific knowledge upon which he was understood.


Part IX .... The Am-Dwat

This is an account of the 12 hours after death that precedes judgement by Osiris. How were the ancients able to map this period after death?


Part X .... Akhenaton

He is perhaps the most mysterious of all the Ancient Egyptian Kings. Why was he depicted as having the physical attributes of a woman and yet he was wholly male?

Why were the skulls of his family shaped in a way similar to those of aliens? Indeed was he a throw back to some strange alien beings that were ultimately responsible for life on Earth?


Part XI .... Smenkhare and Tutankhamun

This is the tragic story of two young brothers both murdered to deprive them of their throne ... but why were they murdered by the man who made them king?


Part XII .... Links between the great religions.

This book shows how the great religions of the world are linked in ways that show a

common origin. No religion has the monopoly of the truth.


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Last modified: June 22, 2000

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