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The Am-Dwat

The map of the Afterlife!


Can it really be true that the Ancient Egyptians actually had a map of the Afterlife? Well, I am afraid you will have to determine that for yourselves from what I say and what else you can discover from other books about this fantastic document.

The Am-Dwat was literally an hour by hour tour of the deceased’s journey from death to judgment by Osiris.

Let us examine what it describes.  Upon death, there is oblivion and chaos.  The soul is ruptured from the body and has to become aware of its new state of freedom.  The first hour is a period of discovery and self-awareness and it is in this state that the soul may proceed through the remaining eleven hours.  The discovery is not about the afterlife, but about one’s self.  It is essential for the soul to come to terms with what life has done to it in order to be judged.  Consequently, the remaining eleven hours are very perilous and require divine assistance in order to achieve the goal.  To this end there were three other sacred texts; the Book of the Dead, the Book of Gates and the Book of Caverns.

The Book of the Dead was a series of prayers, supplications and amulets that protect the soul on its journey.  It is exactly the same as a good Catholic requiring Mass to be said for the repose of the soul.  The Mass is the supplication to the Divine to forgive all that is past and allow the soul to pass from the state of torment in Purgatory to rest and repose in the bosom of God.

The other two texts, the Books of Caverns and Gates are self-explanatory.  The caverns describe the pitfalls that the soul can encounter through error and sin and the gates are the requirements essential to put the deceased right with God in order to pass from one stage to the next.  They are both a series of prayers, supplications and formulae that will unlock one stage and make it possible to enter the next.

All this of course, makes it essential for there to be a divine priesthood which can guide the layman through these dangers and perils.  Just as there were unscrupulous Catholic Priests like Tetzel who incurred the wrath of Martin Luther for selling forgiveness of sins to raise money for the building of the new St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome; there were undoubtedly unscrupulous Egyptian Priests who would cash in on the fear of the people.  However, the reality of the situation is that the Ancient Egyptians actually dared to make a map of the Afterlife, actually presuming to have detailed knowledge of every aspect of it.

Today similar knowledge is obtained through near death experiences and the work of spiritual mediums.  Though many have been proved to be fake, there still are vast numbers of genuine spiritualists who have a combined knowledge which generally concurs which describes several levels of the afterlife related to the spiritual development of the individual.  In more conventional terms this is often related to as the seventh heaven, implying that God is there and we can progress to achieve at oneness with Him.  Up till that point there are varying degrees of spirituality descending to the Astral Plane which in many ways is a mirror image of Earth and similar to what countless Ancient Egyptians hoped would be their destiny.


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Last modified: June 22, 2000

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