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The Origin of Man

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The Origin



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By definition, man is Homo Sapiens.  He is not Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon or Homo-Erectus or any other species that may have been in existence at some time prior to our creation.

Homo Sapiens is a very special being for he has three major parts to him.  Those parts are body, the physical entity, mind, the creative force and soul, the eternal aspect of the being that develops and grows as a result of the interaction of the body and mind.  To our knowledge, it is only Homo Sapiens on this earth that has achieved this status.

There is great evidence for man not having evolved from the lower apes.  More and more scientists are of the opinion that man did not evolve but was at some point created. This poses the question by what means was this creation effected?

The idea that God created us is something that is of course sacred to the religious, but there are many ways in which He could have achieved this.  The church tells us that we are the body of Christ.  It is through our hands that He works today.  Likewise the Holy Spirit works through us.

Why then is it not possible for man to have been the object of genetic engineering by some alien species that visited our planet many thousands of years ago.  If God can use our hands, bodies and minds, why then can He not use those of other species.  Are we too arrogant to imagine any other beings in that vast universe?

In ancient texts in Egypt and South America there is much evidence for genetic engineering. The Ancient Egyptians knew all about genetics and DNA.  See the section on Amon-Ra the Lord and giver of life!  How was it that these people knew about such things?  From whence did this knowledge that we have just rediscovered come?

Our own galaxy has countless millions of stars and each of them have even more planets revolving round them.  It is inconceivable that somewhere, even in our own galaxy, that there is not other intelligent life capable of visiting planet earth. 

Is it not possible that such visitors to our planet were the instruments of God by which we were created?   This would solve countless questions and be a far more plausible explanation than the creator of everything materializing in humanoid form to create us in His own image.

We are surely in the image of God because, like Him we are in three parts ... Our mind which corresponds to that of the Father creator;  our bodies which correspond to that of the Son and our eternal Spirit which parallels the Holy Ghost.

However, all this poses yet another intriguing question....

Why should aliens have come to earth in the first place? 

Read the book and you may find a clue!



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Last modified: June 22, 2000

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