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Links with the Great Religions

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What exactly is meant by links with other religions .... and indeed links from what to what?

The links I mean are connections that can be made amongst the various mainstream world religions that display a similar theme and in consequence a common origin.

The newest world faith is Islam which tends to be a link in itself to Judaism and Christianity, accepting the scriptures in some form or other from both faiths.

However, perhaps the most hybrid of all religions is that of Christianity for not only is it split into various forms, Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox , which in turn themselves split at an alarming rate into further sub-divisions each with their own peculiarities and idiosyncrasies.

Christianity in its Catholic form has very little to do with Judaism.  Perhaps the scrutinizer of the texts within these pages will perceive a very great link between the Ancient Egyptian religion and the Catholic Faith.  Is not Osiris another form of Christ, the dying God resurrected for the salvation of His people.  Is not Isis, Queen of Heaven and Mother of God, none other than The Blessed Virgin Mary by a different name.  And is not Horus, the eternal fighter of evil and comforter of mankind none other than the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, which is not only in each one of us but also specially, imbued in our own Sovereign by exactly the same principle as the incarnation of Horus in the Pharaoh.

Protestantism firmly plants its feet on the foundations of Judaism with its adherence to the lack of symbolism and the relinquishing of a sacrificial priesthood for a ministry with non mystical  sacraments.

However, the overriding link that binds almost every religion is the conception of the Divinity as light.   Christ is the Light of the World, Ra is also the light of creation and in the Hindu Faith God is perceived as the Divine Light.  In certain aspects of Buddhism Nirvana is referred to as the sublime light and now, as we have seen in earlier sections of this work, even scientists, perceive the essence of creation itself as light.

In reality it is probably true to say that there as many religions as people, for even peoples of the same faith and denomination have differing opinions on certain aspects.  Just think of the variations of ideas and opinions concerning the Virgin Birth and Immaculate Conception!

Many people argue that religion is a man made invention to suit the desire of the individual to come to terms with the fact that ultimately this mortal coil will be no more.  We just can not accept this and so our superior brains have to invent ideas that can be transmuted into beliefs.

How many Christians, Sunday by Sunday, who blindly say the Nicene Creed ,  actually believe what it states verbatim?  I suppose it is fair to say that it encapsulates a broad outline of what has been generally believed by Christians throughout the past two millennia since the time of Constantine the Great who actually formulated it.

We must recall that Constantine was originally a worshipper of the Sun and also Isis!

Could this be the source of so many similarities between the Catholic Faith and the religion of Ancient Egypt ... and what is more could it be too blasphemous to suggest that Jesus himself might have been a member of that cult?   On that question I end this work!


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Last modified: June 22, 2000

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