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Amon-ra the Lord and Giver of Life

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Amon-Ra The Lord and Giver of Life.


So many people visit the greatest temple known to the world, the temple of Amon-Ra at Karnak and yet they go away, despite having perhaps a very good guide, not knowing exactly what was the nature of the divinity worshipped there.  The fact is that this colossal temple, the biggest ever created to honour a divinity, houses the most awesome secret and that secret can only be unlocked when we discover the nature of Amon.

Let us look at the clues.  Amon is described as the hidden one and he is depicted as a man with a plumed head dress.  He is also worshipped in the form of Min which is represented by Amon with an erect phallus, symbolizing him as the progenitor of life.  However, this is not all.  The mind-blowing fact is that even though he is represented as a man, in reality he was the primordial serpent in the Nun (this is the total mound from which everything was created), which split and formed his female counterpart Amonet.

It is not as simple as this.  Amon is the coiled serpent and to emphasize this, his sacred animal is the ram with its coiled horns.  This leads us to the question ... Did the Ancient Egyptians have knowledge of DNA?   From what I have said so far, it may be taken for a coincidence, but the plot thickens!   They certainly knew all about chromosomes and genes for the pharonic system of counting was actually based on the splitting of chromosomes!  Also Amon had exactly the same number of divine aspects as related chemical clusters on a strand of DNA.   Are these two facts coincidence or did they have advanced knowledge of genetics?

If Osiris, their divine ancestor, was in fact a highly advanced being who in reality genetically engineered mankind, then surely it would be possible for this knowledge to have remained in some form as a distant echo from the reality of what happened thousands of years prior to their history.

Scientists are for ever putting back the date of man’s dawning upon Earth.   Homo Sapiens is now considered to be at least 100,000 years old!  What we do not know is the development of civilizations and technologies that evolved during that time.  We only have to look at our short history (using the definition of Herodotus of that which can be recorded), of just over 5000 years to see that man has advanced from troglodytes to a computer age capable of the genetic engineering claimed for the ancients.  If it has taken us a mere 12,000 or so years to achieve this from the last disaster, what could we achieve in 100,000 years?   Prior to that there was an age of metaphorical darkness when nothing was recorded.  The last great disaster, the flood, had wiped out everything and man had to start all over again.

Very ancient history follows this pattern of disaster and rebirth, death and resurrection of mankind.   We have no way of having any knowledge of these civilizations except for little clues like the medieval map of Antarctica, the recording of longevity in the Bible and the complexities of the Ancient Egyptian science and religion. We also have the clues that there is a pattern throughout the ancient world of a preoccupation with the stars and a fundamental belief that we have originated from them.  From Stonehenge to Angkor Watt and the Pyramids of the Americas to the Pyramids of Egypt, they all cry out in a loud voice that they were created as a result of divine intervention.   This begs the question ... What means did this intervention take!?


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Last modified: June 22, 2000

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