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Dom Dom dada Dom Dom Dom dadadadada Dom Dom de du dom dada da da dada Dom Dom Dom "STOP THAT INFERNAL MUSIC!!!!!"Ash screamed. "I rather liked it"Misty confessed. We Join our Heroes entering Pewter City,The Rock Town. "Wow"Ash replied. "What?"Misty asked. "Look how big it is,"Ash replied. "Big?You call that big?The only reason you think that's big is because you live in Pallet town the smallest town on Earth!"Misty replied. Ash shrugged. "Acording to my calculations...."Ash started. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "Um,What?"Ash aasked. "I didn't say that..."Misty replied. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Episode #9:Return Of Team Rocket. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Then who?"Ask asked. "Come on Ash the voice came from over here"Misty said as she dragged Ash overto a tall building. Ash noticed a sign on the building. "Pewter City Museum"Ash read out loud. "Pherhaps a break in?"Misty asked. "Pherhaps"Ash replied. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ To Protect the World From Devestation To Unite all People's within our nation To dennounce the evils between truth and love. To extend our reach to the stars above Jessie ...Oh, James! Team Rocket Blasts off at the speed of light. Surrender now or prepare to Fight! Meowth And last but not least Dat's Right! "Who're they?" "Team Rocket?" "Whose Team Rocket?" "Weren't they the first guys on the moon?" "No their those rocket scientists.That's why there in this Museum" "Oh phew" "Grrr how dare you not know who Team Rocket is!!!!"We are here to steal You Ignoramous's"Jessie screamed out loud. "Steal?Police!!!!!"a lady yelled "Now look what you've done!!!"Meowth complained. "Me?Jessie asked. "Let's quit the argueing and get out of here!!!!"James replied. "Right"Meowth said. "I believe that cannot be acomplished" "What who said that?"James asked. "Try looking right in front of you!"Jessie yelled. "Ahhhhsh!!!"James yelled. "Oh God"Jessie sighed. Jessie quickly got up and punched Ash where the sun don't shine! DING! "Oooooooow...."Ash said as he fell to the grpound. "Grrr you'll pay for this Team Rocket!!!"Misty shouted. "You ok Ash?" "Yeah I'm fine Misty"Ash replied. Misty grabbed Ash's hand and helped him up. "So now what?"she asked. _________________________________________________________________________________________ TEAM ROCKET STEALS MILLIONS FROM PEWTER CITY MUSEUM JESSIE AND JAMES LEAVE PEWTERS MUSEUM EMPTY. WHO'S TEAM ROCKET?THE ONES WITH THE STOLEN GOODS PEWTER MUSEUM ROBBED.ROCKET GIVE A HINT? PEWTER'S BIG MUSEUM IS GETTING SMALLER.TR'S TO BLAME. "Wow Team Rocket's on the headline of every single newspaper!"a boy thought reading the daily news."Mmmm pherhaps....just maybe...they can help me...yeah help me get my REVENGE!" "Gary breakfeat is ready" "But I'm not hungry"Gary replied. "Well fine but be sure to have lots of lunch"his mother replied. "Now where was I...Oh yeah REVENGE!!!!Revenge on you Ash Ketchuphead and your girl...Misty...."Gary thought. ________________________________________________________________________________________ "Jessie look at this we're famous!"James shouted. Jessie walked over to James and read the paper. TEAM ROCKET STEALS MILLIONS FROM PEWTER CITY MUSEUM "Wow so we are James!"Jessie screamed in happiness. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. "I'll get it!"James replied. "James wait you Ignoramous!We're bad guys,we don't let people into our houseFor all I know it could be the police!"Jessie shouted. James looked through the peephole. "No just some kid"James replied. "Well don't open the door,why would we need him....James open the door,we can hold him for ransom!"Jessie shouted. James opened the door. "Hi my name's... James quickly grabbed him. "What should I do with him Jessie?"James asked. "Um tie him to a chair and put psyduck tape around his mouth"Jessie responded. James grabbed a chair,tied him up and put psyduck tape around his mouth. "There" James replied. "Mmmmphhh Mmmmpphhh Mmmpphhh"the kid said. "Now where have I heard that before?"James thought. James took off the psyduck tape. "What was that?"he asked. "Untie me right now!!!My name is Gary Oak.And do you know Ash Ketchum?"he asked. "Why yes.But I'm not going to untie you!"James responed. "Not yet but after you hear my story you'll want to.You see Ash has this girlfriend named Misty.And she owns a gym.Do you know what that means?"Gary asked. "She has pokémon?"James asked. Gary sighed. "It means she has alot of money.Now I may be rich but I want to be richer"Gary replied. "Rich?Rich beyond your wildest dreams?"James asked. "Uh yeah whatever.I got Misty to like me at one time and made her sign all her money to me if she died.So then I tried to kill her.That would get me money.But I failed.Now if you guys help me kill her I'll split the money with you"Gary exclaimed. "Mmmmm,sounds good to me"James said as they shook hands. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Misty lay asleep in her hotel room bed.Ash watched her.Ash had let Team Rocket get away today,A big mistake.Misty had stopped,said it would be to dangerous but Ash had changed since he first left on his Journey.He was now braver than ever before. Ash sighed. ................................................. ................................................... No noise..... Everything had stopped.The only noise he could hear was a small faint voice coming from the closet. ........Misty must DIE.................. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Misty woke up in a good mood.She slept well last night. "Ash,what's for breakfeast?"Misty yelled out to Ash. "Well I tried my best to make eggs but I kinda failed..."Ash said. Misty looked at the eggs.They were blue squared hard blocks. "We really need a cook!You know that?"Misty asked. "Sorry"Ash replied. "Well Ash have a good sleep?"Misty asked. "Yes...well no" "No?"Misty asked. "Well I I'm almost positive I heard a voice in the closet that said....said...."Ash couldn't finish "Said what?"Misty asked. "Said that you must die.."Ash replied. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Jessie your Squishing me!"James replied. "No Meowth's squishing me!"Jessie whispered. "Gary how much longer do we have to stay in this closet?"Meowth asked. "Until Ash leaves Misty alone in the room"Gary replied. "How do you know he will?"Meowth asked. "Well he has to sometime.He can't stay with her forever!"Gary replied. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Misty I want to stay with you forever"Ash replied. "That's very nice of you Ash"Misty replied."But right now I need you to go down to the store and but some bread that we can eat"Misty said giving Ash some money out of her purse. "Bye sweetie"Ash said as he left the room. Misty smiled at the little nickname her boyfriend had called her. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "There he left.Now the rules are simple.We kill her"Gary explained. "Okedoke"Jessie said. "On three let's break open the closet"James suggested. 1...2...3. They ran against the closet and it fell down. Misty turned her head. "Team Rocket....and Gary?Help Ash!!!!"Misty screamed. Will Ash be there to save Misty or Will Team Rocket have the kill?Find out in the next episode of Pokédestiny... TO BE CONTINUED


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8

Gathering of The Friends(Pokédestiny)
