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Last Time Ash caught Magikarp and defeated Team Rocket with with it!Ash has now saved Misty.Will their be a sudden friendship? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Episode 4:Bond of Friendship ___________________________________________________________________________________________ "You saved me?"Misty asked. "Well I..."Ash said while blushing. Misty gave him a gentle smile. "Thanks," Misty replied. "I'll have to pay you back someday." "No sweat!"Ash said blushing even more. Misty looked so sweet jus sittting there. "NOW CAN YOU PLEASE UNTIE ME!!!"Misty screamed. Ash did just that.He then looked at his magikarp flopping on the ground. "There's something special about this Magikarp"Ash said to himself."Or could all magikarps suck in gas and blow it out?" "Thanks anyway Magikarp" Ash said. "Hey loser" a voice yelled."That you?" Ash turned around to find.... "Gary" Ash said to himself. "Hey losers!" Gary shouted. "Your the loser" Ash shouted back. "Ash you really need work on your comebacks,"Gary chuckled. "Who's he?"Misty asked. "Wait may I first ask who is she?Nah!Who cares.Look at all all the girls I've got"Gary mentioned. He stepped aside to reveal a fanclub of girls. "Gary Gary Gary Oak.He comes through while others choke"the fanclub cheered. "Like I care if your rich and pay people money to follow you around.I am still better than you!"Ash shouted getting annoyed. "Oh really,let's try out our pokémon then!"Gary shouted. "Oh your asking for it!!!"Ash yelled to Gary. "Asking for what?You don't got nothin!"Gary laughed. "That's it!!!Go Magikarp "Ash yelled. "Magikarp?Ha.I'll whip it...go rattata."Gary shouted. "Don't Ash!"Misty yelled. Ash looked over at her. "Don't what?"he asked. "Don't fight him.You were lucky winnning against Team Rocket but you have no chance against Gary with that magikarp,"Misty assured. "Why should you care if I win or lose.Besides I know what I'm doing!"Ash assured. "FINE THEN ASH KETCHUM.LOSE THE STUPID MATCH.SEE IF I CARE!!!"Misty shouted. Rattata quick attack Gary shouted.Rattata ramed against the magikarp.BAM.Although Magikarp went flying because of the blow Ratatta hurt it's head against Magikarp. GLOW "Magikarp get back in there."Ash yelled. GLOW "Magikarp?" GLOW GLOW GLOW GLOW GLOW GLOW "Magikarp is evolving" pokédex udated. GLOW GLOW GLOW GLOW GLOW GLOW "All right" Ash yelled. GLOW GLOW GLOW ZAP!!!! Magikarp began to take shape of the huge Gyrados. "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR." "He's smarter than I thought"Misty said to herself. The puny ratatta looked up at the gyrados. "Um,O.k ratatta.Get ready to use Solar Beam" Gary shouted. Ash looked at his pokédex. "SolarBeam,a deadly grass attack that is awesome against water." "Darn!"Ash yelled out."Gyrados return.Go Pikachu." "Never mind.He's stupid,"Misty said to herself. "Ha tricked ya Ash!Ratatta doesn't learn SolarBeam ya twit!"Gary laughed. "Grrr,Pikachu thundershock,"Ash yelled out. "ZZZZZZZ" "Pikachu?"Ash said. "ZZZZZZ" "Wake up and fight!"Ash yelled. "Look's like you're pikachu needs training Ash!"Gary said.I'm gonna beat you with a level 2 ratatta!Ratatta bite!"Gary yelled out. But just as ratatta was about to bite pikachu, pikachu woke up. "Pika?" ZAP!!!. "Rata" Ratatta yelled out as he fainted. "No way!" Gary shouted."Well bye." "Hey wait just a minute.Where's the pokémon prof. Oak gave you.I wan't this to be a fair battle."Ash yelled out. "Um I left it at home yeah that's it!"Gary said as he ran away even though Ash could see the other pokéball around his waist. Ash looked at his pikachu. "Thanks" he said as he gave him a hug. Pikachu looked at Ash.He looked confused. "Pika?"he said. Ash not knowing what that meant nodded his head yes. Pikachu jumped into Ash's arms and began to hug him back.Meanwhile Misty watched. "Aww How cute" she thought."His pikachu finally likes him." _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "And then turn left out of Varidian City." Misty was giving Ash directions on how to get to Varidian forest. "Oh" Ash said. And he continued to walk along. "See right here" Misty blurted out. Ash looked ahead to see trees trees and even more trees. "You can find quite a few pokémon in here." Ash paused. "How many?"he asked. "4 or 5" Misty responded. "Doh!I only have 1 pokéball left.I'll need to go back" Ash said. Ash and Misty rushed back to Varidian City.But by the time they got back it was dark. "We'll have to stay the night" Misty said. So Ash and Misty spent the night at a nice hotel. _________________________________________________________________________ "There it is.See nothing to worry about.It's not like it's going to attack or anything." "Are you sure?" "Whould I lie to you?" "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACW" "RUN AHHHHHHHHHHHH.SAVE ME ASH.HELP!!!!!!" _________________________________________________________________________ Misty awoke from her bad dream.She had no clue what it was supposed to mean.But she didn't like it one bit.She looked around to see that Ash was still sleeping.It had been the 5 days since Ash left on his pokémon journey.And Misty was getting to know Ash a little better.Instead of going on his journey Ash spent all daywatching TV.(because it showed him defeating Team Rocket.)buying pokéballs,shopping for food,etc.It was now night once again.Ash went over to his phone and dialed prof. Oak's number. "It's about time I called him"Ash said to himself. "Hello?" prof Oak said."Oh hi Ash.How's the Charizard?" "Well the pokéball's kind of got mixed up because I ended up with a pikachu!"Ash said. "Oh sorry bout that I can change them if...."Oak started. "NO NO NO.That's fine.I like my pikachu."Ash blurted in. "Whoa!Ash would rather have a pokémon weaker then one stronger because of his love for pokémon.He's so sweet" Misty thought to herself. "By the way Oak.Why in the world would you have a charmander to pick from if you have a Charizard?"Ash asked. "Good question Ash.The thing is this was for a late pokemon trainer.They say late trainers don't have as much experience with pokemon"Oak explained. "Are you insulting me?Ash asked. "Uh no,I..Oh yeah I just remembered I had a dental appiontment.Bye."Oak said Misty looked at the stressed out boy named Ash.She now knew what Ash was like.She was beggining to like him.But how could she explain her feelings?There was only one thing to do. "Ash" she started as sweat poured down her face."Do you mind if I..." "What?"Ash asked "Come along on you're journey?"Misty finished. "Why?"Ash asked.Now even more sweat poured down her face.She never expected that Ash would ask why.Could she possibly say those 3 words that would changed her life forever? "Please.Just can I?I kind of owe you for saving me back there."Misty explained. "You don't owe me nothing"Ash said. "But...You really don't want anything?Really?I...I....Your sweet Ash." Ash smiled.He looked at her.She looked so desperate sitting there. "Sure" Ash said."But can you answer me just one question?"Ash asked. "Yeah what?" Misty asked. Ash took his seat beside Misty on the bed. "Do....I'll ask you tomorrow."Ash said. "Why tommorow?"Misty asked. Ash din't respond.He walked over to his bed,pulled up his covers and went to sleep.Misty looked at him.He looked asleep. "I....I Love you she said willingly."Misty whispered thinking Ash was asleep. But Ash wasn't asleep.And he had heard what Misty said..... To Be Continued ************************************************************************************************************* Meowth's notes:O.k.I've had a lot of questions lately.Most frequent questions: 1.If you're on Team Rocket how come you're making Ash win?Answer:Because if I made TR win what else would happen after that?I want to keep the story with Ash in it.Example:Ash caught magikarp.Team Rocket stole it.Ash caught pikachu.Team Rocket stole it.BOOOOORRRING!The thing is you get more action if Ash wins. 2.I never knew you liked Romance Meowth.Do you really?I put that romance part in because that's what people like to read.I've seen millions of Ash and Misty Romance novels all over the net so why not coimbine romance and action?


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

Gathering of the friends(Pokédestiny)

Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7(nf)
Episode 8(nf)
Episode 9(nf)
Episode 10(nf)