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Last Time our heroes met Team Rocket the mischevios evil pokémon crooks.Misty tried to fight them off while Ash could heal his pokémon but now Misty has been kidnapped.What will Ash do? "What do you mean she's been kidnapped?"Ash asked Officer Jenny. "Your girlfriend has been..." Ash interupted. "She's not my girlfriend." "Whatever.Team Rocket has held her captive somewhere,"Officer Jenny said. "Wow you know a lot?Ash said while asking how she knew at the same time. "Don't you think a police officer would know about this kinda stuff??If we didn't crimes would be as common as water when it's raining,"Officer Jenny said. "Well I hope the police do a fine job Ash said.What your not helping?"Officer Jenny asked. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Episode #3:Pokémon rescue ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "How can I?All I have is a pikachu and it's not my business to save people.That's for the police,"Ash said. "Look if you don't do this you'll never be able to face your fears which you got to do while fighting pokémon.Besides it would be for a good cause,"Joy said. "What kind of police officer is this?" Ash asked himself. "Look all you have to do is come along.Nothing else,"Jenny replied. Ash looked up at her.She was right.Ash left the building ready to take on any challenge.And he would do it on his own.But first he needed pokémon.Ash steadily walked looking for any type of pokemon. "KARP KARP." "What's that noise?" Ash asked himself. It was coming from a nearby pond. "KARP MAGIKARP KARP." "Aha!"Ash said as he spotted a magikarp.He took out his pokédex. "IN THE DISTANT PAST THIS POKéMON WAS A LOT STRONGER THAN THE HORRIBLY WEAK DECENDANT THAT EXCISTS TODAY,"the pokédex said. "Well a pokémon is a pokémon" Ash said to himself. "Pikachu won't obey me so I'll have to try my luck with the pokéball,"Ash said worrried. Ash threw the the pokéball.Suprisingly the pokéball didn't even turn twice before Magikarp was caught. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ash was following the trail of fur.White fur.This eventually would lead to Team Rocket.This looked like Meowth's fur.But would it be TR's Meowth? "Prepare for trouble and make it double" a voice said. Ash glanced up. "Well looks like I found them" Ash sighed. "To Protect the world from devestation.To unite all peoples within our nation.To denounce the evils of truth and love." "When your dead you won't go above" Ash blurted in. "Jessie....Hey you ruined our motto!"Jessie shouted. "How bout we ruin him?"Meowth asked. "Magikarp go" Ash yelled. James laughed. "What a joke!" "Magikarp splash" Ash yelled. Magikarp sat there and flopped around. "Magikarp Spash,"Ash yelled getting annoyed. Magikarp continued to flop around.Ash opened his pokédex. "Magikarp's first move splash is useless and all it does is magikarp flops around,"it said. "Oh great!"Ash said to himself. "Ekans Koffing go!"Team Rocket shouted. "Ekans bite attack Jessie yelled. Ekans went to bite magikarp and when it did all it's teeth came out."Whoops I forgot how hard magikarp is.Ekans return" Jessie confessed. "Koffing sludge" James yelled.A bunch of sludge hit magikarp. "Noooo" Ash yelled. But suprisingly it was absorbed into it's body.Then it came out of magikarp's mouth back at koffing.But since it had been through the body of a fish it was even worse now.Koffing fainted. "No way!!!Koffing return"James ordered. "Wow.That's not even an attack" Ash said to himself. "Looks like Meowth's gonna have to do the dirty work,"Meowth said. "Warning Magikarp has learned tackle" pokédex warned. Meowth wen't to scratch him and broke off his claws on doing so. "Magikarp tackle" Ash yelled. Although the attack barely hurt Meowth had no defence mechanism against magikarp and soon was defeated. "No way,this is impossible...beaten by a magikarp.What a drag"James sobbed. "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again" they yelled out.Ash looked around. He was looking for a certain girl.He looked ahead and saw Misty tied to a chair. She was smiling. "You've come to save me?"she asked in a gentle voice... To Be Continued.

Gathering of the friends

Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7(nf)
Episode 8(nf)
Episode 9(nf)


Episode 1
Episode 2