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"Ring arond th ringy rossy yyyy" "What?"asked the confused boy. "It's a spell" "What kind of spell?"The boy asked again. "A dark spell" "A dark spell?"the boy asked. "Yes...A vey dark spell.A spell to make it night. Ash laughed at trhe little joke. "Nothing is Funny my child"the voice said. "I know"Ash replied. "By the way,I have something you might want to see"the voice started. Ash watched as the big screen turned on. "I will leave you alone now"the voice said. Ash watched as the screen flickered and a picture began to develop. There on the sceen was Misty.She was walking inside the movie theatre but wait.Not just Misty.Standing right beside her was Gary and they were holding hands... ______________________________________________________________________________ Episode #8 Trial of Betrail ______________________________________________________________________________ "NOOOOOOOOO!"Ash screamed. How could this be possibe.Misty had left with Gary! Ash fell to his knees and started to cry _______________________________________________________________________________ "Eeeeeeeeek!"Misty screamed. "What's wrong babe?"Gary asked. "This movie sure is gross.Like the part where his his head got cut off and blood and guts and gore went everywhere..."Misty started before she was interupted by Gary "Shhhh!This story's supposed to be rated G!"Gary interupted. "Maybe but this movie is rated R!"Misty said. Gary sighed. "Oh and Gary"Misty started. "Yeah babe?"Gary asked "Don't call me bbe"Misty replied. "Ok doll"Gary replied. _______________________________________________________________________________ The movie had now ended and Misty and Gary were talking. "Well?"Gary asked. "Well what?"Misty asked. "Did you like it?"Gary asked. "NOOOOO!!!!"Misty boomed. "Oh..'Gary said. "But I did like being with you!"Misty confessed. Gary blushed. "Uh can I come over?"He asked. Misty hesitated. "Uh well you see....I can't really let my mom know I have a boyfriend because well..she would make a big fuss over it and keep bugging me about it so...I don't think so Gary,"Misty replied. "Ok"Gary said with a depressed look on his face. ______________________________________________________________________________ Misty lie on her bed looking at Gary's picture. "Gary...Pherhaps you are as good as Ash..."Misty sighed. Then she hesitated and picked up Ash's picture. "Oh Ash,I've aways loved you more then Gary but you can understand what's going on right?"Misty asked herself ______________________________________________________________________________ Spirit I'd like to use my invisibe voice token"Ash replied. "You can but this is your last one.This will allow you to go down and everyone will hear you but not see or feel you.Do yu accept?"the voice asked. "Yes"Ash said. "Done"the voice said. ______________________________________________________________________________ Ash found himself looking at Misty.She was looking at Ash's picture and then Gary's. "Misty"Ash whispered. Misty looked up. "Ash are you back????"Misty asked concerned. "Yes I am once again invisible but you can hear me"Ash said. "Ash I..."Misty started. "How could you?"Ash interupted. "I..I.."was all Misty could get out. "Gary is a no good rotton son of a bitch" "Watch the language Ash!"Misty replied. "Oh god....THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!Misty after all I've done for you how could you do this to me?"Ash cried. "I'm sorry Ash......Wait...Your dead!I can't go on like this.I had to get a date Ash.I just had to,"Misty sobbed. "Well I can see you don't love me anymore so so DIE JUST DIE"Ash screamed as is voice went away. ______________________________________________________________________ Somewhere in a forest 2 pokémon were talking.2 of Ash's pokémon. "Pikachu pi pika(It's been 3 years since Ash died...)Pikachu started. "GAAAR(Yeah)"Gyrados said. "Pika pikachu?(Think anyone will ever rescue us?)"Pikachu asked. "GAAAAR(I don't know)"Gyrados commented. "Pika(Me neither)"Pikachu confessed. __________________________________________________________________________ "Gary are you sure they're over here?"Misty asked. "According to calculations they are"Gary said. "Okay whatever you say"Misty replied. "See LOOK!"Gary shouted as he pointed to two pokémon "You really did find them!"Misty replied. Gary started to wak slowly over to them. "Gary can I have the Gyrados since it's water?"Misty whispered. "Sure but I get the pikachu!"Gary whispered back. Misty and Gary approached the 2 pokémon carefully. "Pikachu!It's me Misty"Misty eplied. Pikachu shook his head yes. "Gary will be your new trainer"she replied. Pikachu gasped and electricity grew in his cheeks. "WAIT!"Gary shouted. Pikachu stopped. "Want some Ketchup?"Gary asked. Pikachu hesitated before he gulped down the ketchup bottle.He was beginning to like his new trainer. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ "NOOOOOO"Ash screamed. He hadn't ment what he said to Misty but it was too late now.Misty had trashed his picture. "First my girl and now my pokémon.What's next?"Ash wondered. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gary lay on his couch letting his cheerleaders entertain him. "Gary Gary he's our man if he can't do it no one can do it like he can!"the cheerleaders sung. "What was that?"Gary asked. "We wanted to try something different!"One cheerleader replied. Gary sighed. "Um Gary can I speak with you....alone?"a cheerleader asked. "Sure Venessa"Gary replied. All the other cheerleaders instantly left the room. "Gary you don't actually love that Misty girl do you?"Venessa asked. "Of course not!"Gary replied. "Then what's the plan?"Venessa asked. "Well you see Misty is rich right?"Gary asked. "Well yes"Venessa replied. "And that is because she owns a gym right?"Gary asked. "Right again!"Venessa commented. "Well I just get her to sign all her money to me if she dies and then...kill her"Gary replied. ____________________________________________________________________________ Ash walked over to his big screen and turned it on.He saw Gary talking to a cheer leader "So Misty is rich and you want to kill her after she signs all her money to you?"Venessa asked. "That's right"Gary replied. Ash gasped.They were going to kill Misty!He had to do something and soon. ____________________________________________________________________________ "So Misty,like the dinner?"Gary asked. "Yes this restaurant's great!"Misty confessed. She stuck some lobster in her mouth. "You looking mighty healthy"Gary said trying to get her tosign her money to him. "Uh thanks!"Misty said. "Doesn't look like your going to die anytime soon!"Gary commented. "Uh..okay!"Misty said confused. "Sigh.If only my Family had more money..."Gary started. "What?"Misty asked interested. "Didn't you hear we've gone bankrupt!"Gary lied. "Really?Mmmmmm.I have a great idea!"Misty replied. "Finally!"Gary said not realizing he said it out loud. "What?"Misty asked. "I said you're a fine ally!"Gary lied. "Well anyway why don't I sign you to take all my money if you die?"Misty asked. ________________________________________________________________________________ The papers had been signed.Gary was now the owner of Misty's money but first she had to die.... "Gary where are you taking me?"Misty asked. "Just a bit farther..."Gary said to himself. "Gary?"Misty said again. "We're here" Gary shouted. "Where?All I know is that you dragged me way out into the forest" Misty said "Misty look over there"Garu said as he pointed to the sky. "What the sky?"Misty asked. "No look closer.There's a legendary water bird over there.It's hard to see because it's camoflauges with the sky"Gary lied. Misty continued to look at the sky. This was his chance.Gary quicky took a knife out of his pocket aimed at Misty's head and... His hand stopped.He didn't want it to stop but it did anyway. Gary turned around to see Ash.Ash had stopped his hand. Gary instantly fainted like he saw a ghost. Misty then turned around to see Ash standing over Gary with a knife in his hand. "Ash!You used your*live for 10 minutes token* to save me?"isty asked. "Yes but no time for talking.I got 10 minutes to get you out of here"Ash exclaimed. He picked Misty up and ran out of the forest with her. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 minutes had passed and Misty was home safely. "Ash thank you"Misty said as they broke into a kiss. Whe Misty finally stopped she pushed Ash down onto the bed.And then kissed him some more. "Control Misty control!"Ash said not really wanting her to stop anway. Misty lay her head down on his chest and fell asleep. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Mist woke up.She looked below her and found the bed!No Ash! "Ash Ash?"Misty asked. Then she remembered. "If only you could stay alive Ash..."Misty sobbed. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Oh great I'm back in this lonely room..."Ash sighed. "Great news the voice said. "What?"Ash asked. "You can go back.You saved someone's life so you can go back!"the voice said cheerfully. "Yes!"Ash said as he jumped into the air. _________________________________________________________________________________ Misty sat on her bed waiting for nothing.Would Ash ever be back? Her question was immediatly answered as Ash appeared before her. "Misty I'm back for good"Ash yelled cheerfully. Misty ran into his arms not caring how or why. "I got your pokémon"Misty said as Ash kissed her on the head. "Misty my dad....he's alive..."Ash replied. ________________________________________________________________________________ Well quite a story we have here.Will Gary be back to kill Misty?Will Team Rocket ever show up again?And will Ash ever find his dad?All these questions answered on the next pokédestiny... To Be Continued...


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7

Gathering of the Friends(Pokédestiny)

Episode 9