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Last time Ash set out on his pokemon journey and met a new friend Misty.He is now on the way to the pokecenter to heal his pikachu ********************************************************************************************************************************** "Ash wait up.You don't even know the way!Misty complained. "So.... what way is it?" Ash asked. "That's the problem.There's no pokecenter in miles from here" Misty assured _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PokeCenter pokeproblem _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ash hung his head low."Awww man" he said."How am I ever gonna heal pikachu?"But then Ash heard sirens."Huh?A police officer."She swiftly rode up to Ash. "Um by any chance have you seen 2 pokemon trainers?"She held up a picture.It had a boy with blue hair and a girl with red hair on it.Their names are "Jessie James" "Huh?????????????????" "What" Ash asked. "I didn't say Jessie and James" the officer said. "Then who..." "To protect the world from devestation.To unite all peoples within our nation.To denounce the evils between truth and love.To extend our reach to the stars above" a voice said "Jessie and James!"the officer shouted "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light.Surrender now or prepare to fight!Meowth Dat's right!" "We'll now attempt to steal all your pokemon officer Jenny,"Team rocket said "But I don't have any pokemon,"Jenny said. "Then we'll steal these kids pokemon,"Team rocket snarled "Ash make a run for it while I try and hold them off" Misty said. "Go Ekans.Go Koffing.And don't forget about Meowth!"The members of Team Rocket shouted "Why?Why must I run?"Ash asked. "These are villians Ash.Their not here to wash your car.Just run."Misty shouted. "Are you saying you're braver then me?" "You have no pokemon Ash."Misty shouted. "Well I still want to help" Ash remarked.Misty looked at him.She was a little confused. Although he wanted to stay Ash quickly made a run for it. "Hop on" Jenny said as she showed Ash the moterbike.Before he knew it Ash was at the pokecenter.He walked over to the nurse "Hello..I'm nurse Joy.I can heal all your pokemon for you." Ash handed her his pikachu _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Wonder what happened to Misty" Ash thought as he put the pokeball of pikachu in his pocket He noticed Officer Jenny across the room."I know what your going to ask.What happened to Misty?Well she was kiddnapped!!!!!!!!!!" ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To be Continued


Episode 1

Gathering of the Friends(Pokedestiny)

Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7(nf)
Episode 8(nf)
Episode 9(nf)