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"Ny Ny Ny" "Hello Hello Hello" "Hello Hello Hello" "Where am I? Where am I? am I?" "Listen Listen Listen" The boy listened as the echo cotinued. "First" The echo stopped. "First we must show you something." The echo lead the boy to a screen. "Here is a moment you might want to remember." The screen began to show a picture like a television. There the boy known as Ash let himself be devoured by the hungry Honou as Misty cried on. "You mean I'm..."Ash started. "DEAD" the voice interupted. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Episode #7:Come back Ash! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ash yelled out a long"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MY GOD THEY KILLED ASH!"Mrs.Ketchum screamed. "So mrs.Ketchum how's it like to have a dead boy?"an interviewer asked her as she wept away. "Shutup you loser!'Mrs.Ketchum screamed in his ear. "Mrs.Ketchum.Don't worry.I'm sure he'll be fine!"Prof.Oak said trying to calm her down. "He's dead"she screamed. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Misty rested on a hill.She was bored.Her life was now pointless.Ash had sacrifiest himself for her.But...Still that didn't help a bit.It had been a few months since Ash died.She still had not forgotton that hideous moment.... ______________________________FLASHBACK______________________________________________________________________________ Misty closed her eyes and covered them with her hands.She knew Ash wouldn't just die would he.No.He would have some sort of plan or at least Misty hoped. CHOMP Misty did not dare to look but she had too.She had to know what had happened.She slowly opened her eyes and screamed. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK" Misty nearly fainted as she saw Ash's body being devoured by Honou. It quikly finished up and looked at Misty.At first Misty thought it would eat her but much to her suprise was it said "RAWWWWK RAWK(Fair is Fair)"and flew off. Tears sprinkled down Misty's cheeks.This was the worst day of her life. _______________________________End Flashback_________________________________________________________________________ Ash watched on as Misty sat lonely on a hill.Not doing much.Just sitting there.Ash wanted to do something but he was trapped.In a black room with nothing but a screen. "Is this really heaven?"Ash asked the strange voice. There was a sudden pause. "No.This is where you belong"the voice said. "What???"Ash asked. "This place is special and special it shall stay"the voice continued. "What is so special about me?"Ash asked. "In time you find out Ash Ketchum.In time you'll find out"the voice said. _________________________________________________________________________________________ One day Ash could wait no longer. "How am I special?" he asked the voice. "That YOU must find out"the voice echoed. "Is it...Is it about my father?"Ash asked unsure. There was a sudden pause. "Your father.You do not know him.Am I right?"the voice asked. "That is correct"Ash answered. "Well then it must stay that way"the voice boomed. This statement suprised Ash. "What?"Ash asked. "Your father won the title 10 years ago.The year you were born.He was worthy,well trained,and he had respect.He soon started tyalking to us.We thought it was impossible for any person to know about us but we were wrong.After he continued to talk to us even after we gave hi no responce we decided to give in.One day we finally spoke back to him.He was preying.He was preying for you.He held more care then anyone in the world and that's why we answered his call.That is why you are here.You also get 1 chance to go back on earth for 10 minutes and two chances to talk to someone on earth without them even seeing you.Choose wisely Ash Ketchum because you may only use them if you MUST.Or if you think you should.Is that clear?"the voice asked. Ash was starting to feel happier.For once in his life everything mattered. "Um just one question"Ash managed to choke out "Yes?"the voice asked. "Is my father alive?"Ash asked. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Misty had finally met Ash's mom.She was a nice lady.But when Misty asked where Ash's dad was Mrs.Ketchum just said. "Oh my look at the time I'm late for my dental appointment.C-YA"she said as she ran off. Misty just shrugged.She had not yet to Mrs. Ketchum who she was yet.She hoped to do so soon. Misty began to turn the corner when... There he was again.AGAIN!Gary Oak!He was pretending to be polishing his car.Everywhere Misty went there he was Gary Oak.She was now getting a little freaked out.What was Gary doing not on his Journey. Misty quikly ran across the street to the hotel she was staying in.She went in and sat down on her bed.If only Ash were there to confort her. "Misty" Misty quikly turned around.No one was there.She had sworn she had heard somebody. "Misty it's me Ash"the voice said again. Misty hit herself in the head.Now she was defeintly hearing things. "Misty.I knw I am dead but just please talk to me.This is not your imaginatrion this is real,"Ash's voice said. "Ash"Misty asked almost in tears. "Yes it is me.How I've liked to talk to you for so long"Ash replied. "OH MY GOD ASh it really is you isn't it"She said as she tried to hug him soon realizing he was not there. "Misty I am just a voice.Please do not cry.I am here.And I love you."the voice said. "Oh Ash can you ever come back?"Misty asked. To her suprise the answer was "Yes....But only for 10 minutes.No longer"Ash replied. "Well come on down then!"Misty said impatient. "I must wait for a good time.For you know I'll only see you once."Ash replied. "Okay"Misty replied. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Quit following me Gary"Misty screamed at him. "Why?Don't you want to be with a man like me?"Gary asked. "Oh shutup Gary.You know I'll always be Ash's girl'Misty replied trying no to cry. "Ash is DEAD!"Gary shouted. "Ash is Dead Ash is Dead.Gary shot him in the head!"Gary's cheerleader's sung. Misty was about to breaki into tears. "He's still alive im my heart"she replied. "Face it.Why love a man that don't exist!When you grow up and people ask you who's your husband.What are you gonnna say.He died at ten?I mean that is stupid!"Gary laughed. Misty looked at him.For once in his life he was right. "So would you like to watch a movie with me....Honey"Misty managed to choke out. To Be Continued....


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6

Gathering of The friends

Episode 8
Episode 9