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Last time on Pokedestiny:

I got Misty to like me at one time and made her sign all her money to me if she died.So then I tried to kill her.That would get me money.But I failed.Now if you guys help me kill her I'll split the money with you"Gary exclaimed. "Mmmmm,sounds good to me"James said as they shook hands..... The only noise he could hear was a small faint voice coming from the closet. ........Misty must DIE.................. I need you to go down to the store and but some bread that we can eat"Misty said giving Ash some money out of her purse...... "There he left.Now the rules are simple.We kill her"Gary explained.Misty turned her head. "Team Rocket....and Gary?Help Ash!!!!"Misty screamed...... ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Episode 10:Walk the Brock! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Misty Misty Misty.Are you really that afraid?"Gary asked. Misty shook her head yes. "Well in a hotel no one can hear you scream"James blurted out. Jessie covered James's mouth. "Like James said,In a hotel no one get's Icecream"Jessie lied. "Aha!HEEEEELLLLLP!!!!!!!"Misty screamed at the top of her lungs. Gary quickly locked the door. James got the psyduck tape. Mmmph Mmmmph mmmph! "I still think that's very familar"James thought. "An now for the great Meowth scratch attack"Meowth shouted. "Scratching isn't going to kill her you fools.Where's your guns?"Gary asked. "Uh well we forgot them"James replied. "Forgot them?" "Team Rocket forgot there guns. but Gary has greaaat buns!~Goooooo Gary! "My cheerleaders?How'd you get here?Oh well."Gary sighed. "Wait I do have a gun!"Jessie noticed. "What?Ok good shoot the girl.Shoot the girl!!!"Gary said jumping up and down "Shoot the Girl.Shoot the girl.What's left of her will make you hurl!Gooooo Gary!" Jessie aimed and fired. "Yay do we get our money now?"Jessie asked? Gary looked pissed. "You fools.You just shot one of my cheerleaders!"Gary yelled. "Well you never said what girl to shoot,"Jessie said calmly. "She is dead she is dead.Team Rocket shot her in the head" "SHUUTUUP!"Gary yelled. "Now Jessie shoot Misty"Gary said calmly. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Great master,someone is in trouble.It is up to you to battle the enemies"A bald man said. "By who's name do they recall?" "Team Rocket,great master"the bald man replied. "Ahhh,the begginer type" "No master.They have guns"the bald man replied. "Guns?When have guns been a problem?" "Never great master but..."the bald man started. "Then move aside" _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Jessie aimed her gun at Misty,put her finger on the trigger and shot at the tied up Misty. CLICK "Huh?"Jessie said to herself. CLICK CLICK CLICK "It seems she's out of ammo"Meowth stated. "When did ya figure that out Meowth?"Gary asked. "Sooner then you!"Meowth said. SCRATCH SCRATCH "Owwwww!That's it! Gary pulled some darts out of his pocket. "Just use these"Gary sighed. Jessie took the dart.She triggered them at Misty's head and..... "Wait!"Gary shouted. "What?"Jessie asked. "I want to be the one to kill her"Gary stated. Jessie handed Gary the darts. "Oh yeah the moment of truth"Gary said as he got ready to shoot. BANG! "What the?"Gary said as he dropped the dart. A grey hand had punched right through the door.The thing pushed the door open. "A geodude"Meowth gasped. Jessie took some ammo out of her pocket and put it in the gun. "You have ammo?"Gary asked. "I guess so"Jessie replied. Gary just sighed. Jessie startted shooting. pow pow pow (Hey I couldn't think of any other good gun noises!) Ting Ting Ting "Huh?"Gary said shocked. The bullets seemed to just bounce of of the geodude. "Ok enough playing around.Gooooooo Ekans"Jessie yelled "Go Koffing"James replied. "So you wanna play Rocky?Do ya?Well how about a little....water"Gary asked. He threw the pokeball and out came: "Wartortle" "And also goooo... "Ivysaur" "Pokemon attack!" Gary shouted Smoke surrounded the area. "Koffing!I didn't say you could attack!"James whined. "Koffing?" "You didn't attack?"James asked. "Koffing" Everyone goes silent. "Welcome everyone to my world" "What the?Who said that?"Gary asked trying to fan the smoke away Even the tied up Misty was shocked. Then out of nowhere.... KABAAM "Ahhh an Onix.Ruuuuun!"Meowth shouted. "What's an Onix?"the confused James asked. "Dat"Meowth yelled as he pointed behind James. James turned around. "Oh.That......AHHHHHHHHH"James screamed as he grabbed Jessie's hand and started to run. "Wait fools!Wartortle and Ivysaur can beat this Onix!Wartortle?Ivysaur?"Gary asked looking around. The smoke cleared.There on the ground were Wartortle and Ivysaur....out cold. "The smoke must off done something to them.Oh well.I'll be back" Gary said running away. Misty looked up at the dark Mysterious figure walking towards her.He looked very powerful and wise.He slowly untied Misty and ripped off the psyduck tape.Then he spoke. "GeeMisshowprettyyoulookwouldyouliketogooutwithmemynamesbrockwhatsyoursdidImentionhowbeautifulyouare?"Brock asked. "Uhhhhh......"Misty replied. "Nowellyouaresohowboutithuhhuhhuh?"Brock asked. "Uhhh...You looked so wise at first.And I already have a boyfriend"Misty sheepishly replied "We won't let that get in the way of our relationship will we?"Brock asked. Misty took out her trusty mallet and WAM! "How rude"Misty thought. Ash came through the door. "So my place at eight?"The injured Brock asked. "Misty!"Ash yelled. "It's not what you think Ash.Well it's a long story...."Misty replied "And I want to hear it!"Ash said angrily. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ "and the he just started going crazy over me and thast's the whole story"Misty confessed. "Look Brock.I appreciate you saving Misty's life but don't EVER hit on my girlfriend again"Ash warned. "Ash,can I join your group?"Brock asked. "Huh?Why would you want to"Ash asked. "4 reasons.I want to get away from always having to babysit my brothers and sisters,I want to be the best pokemon breeder,I don't want to travel alone and I want to find a girl!"Brock stated. "Well I...What do you think Misty?"Ash asked. "Okay with me"Misty stated. "Ok you can come with us"Ash replied. "Yeees!"Brock shouted. "AHHHHH"Misty screamed. "What's wrong Misty?"Ash asked. "Bug!"Misty said as she pointed to a caterpie on the floor. "All right!I'm going to catch it!"Ash said happily. He grabbed a pokéball out of his pocket.He aimed and threw but just tyhen out of nowhere a pidgey grabbed the caterpie with it's beak.The pokeball was thrown sucking in Caterpie but Pigey refused to let go. "Geodude punch the Pidgey in the back"Brock yelled. Pidgey turned around seeing the Geodude.With the caterpie still in it's mouth it raced into the pokéball to get away from the Geodude. "Alright!I caught 2 pokemon with 1 ball!"Ash said happily. Well isn't this a good day for Ash.Brock joined the group,Gary ran away,and Ash caught 2 more pokemon.What will, happen next?The only way you can find out is on the next episode of Pokédestiny! To Be Continued....


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9