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Ash opened his eyes. "What a beutiful day"he thought."Today I start my pokémon journey" "Ash.Wake up Ash!" "Mom?"Ash asked. Ash opened his eyes to see Misty trying to get him up. "Wake up you sleepy head"Misty shouted. "Where's mom?"Ash asked. "You were dreaming silly!"Misty laughed. Ash sat up.He grabbed the remote control at the side of his bed andn turned the T.V. on. "Hi,My names Bill and I'm from Bill's Ville.Anyway,today on pokémon times we'll take a journey to Varidian forest.It is said that a lot of battles with pokémon have been happening in this forest.The only thing is,is that the pokémon are wiled _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Episode #5:Caterpie's vs Weedles. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ash sat up.He was getting interested. "Yes,there has been a so called "pokemon war" at hands.The 2 types of pokémon,Caterpie and Weedle have been going at it for 24 hours now.Will it ever stop?Sami Arami thinks if you leave them alone they will get along.Sami Arami got vegetables thrown at him because he said that.So...Any trainers willing to help please call us at 9-999-999-9999.Well this is Bill signing off.Thank you"Bill finished. Ash put on his hat as he got out of bed.But then stopped.He had planned to investigate,maybe catch a few pokémon,but he then just remembered what had happened last night.He faked slept.While doing so Misty had addmitted she loved him.But Ash just didn't have the guts to do anything.He loved her and he knew she loved him back but still he couldn't tell her.At least not yet.But he would by the end of the day.And that was a promise. "What are you doing Ash?"Misty asked. Ash looked at her. "Well I "was" going to investigate the caterpie and weedle thing but... "Bugs?Bugs?Bugs?EEEEEEEEEEWWWWW!!!!Ash bugs are so gross and disgusting.Their slimy and icky and EWWWWW.Were not talking BUGS bunny here Ash.Were talking BUGS.EWWWWW"Misty said in disgust. "Well I for one say there is nothing wrong with bugs.They are living creatures and should not be treated any worse than us"Ash stated. "Oh no ya don't Ash Ketchum!THEY ARE GROSS"Misty yelled. "Are not" "Are too" "Are not" "Are too" "Are not are not ARE NOT." "ARE TOO ARE TOO ARE TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" "Fine you win,"Ash said. "Huh?"Misty asked. "Bugs are gross and slimy.That's why I like them"Ash said laughing. "Oh you little pig!!!"Misty shouted as she wacked Ash with a mallet from out of nowhere. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ash and Misty and pikachu were walking along the road to Varidian Forest.Ash had decided to let pikachu roam outside of the pokéball so he could see him more. "Hmm I wonder if I was dreaming when Misty said she loved me.She sure doesn't act like she does.It was probably all a dream"Ash thought. He still had a bump on his head from where Misty hit him. "Pika pika chu"pikachu said. "What's that?"Ash asked. "Chu!!!!"Pikachu said annoyed while pointing at a bunch of trees. "Oh we've reached Varidian forest"Ash realized "Chu!"Pikachu said nodding his head yes. phtiwidit phtiwidit phtiwidit. "What's that?"Misty asked. Ash looked around.Nothing. Ash took out his pokédex. "Some pokémon tend to camoflauge. Ash looked harder.There standind about 8 feet away was... "Caterpie.This worm type pokémon tend to evolve faster than any other known pokémon exept weedle"Pokedex said. "I can see why their fighting"Ash said to himself. Ash continued to look at it.It didn't see him. "Alright,pokéball go"Ash yelled. But before the pokéball could reach Caterpie out of nowhere came a weedle and pushed him aside.Then the two ran off as fast as they could. "Huh?"Ash thought. _______________________________________________________________________________________ "No No No not like that" Ash and Misty were in a small building in Varidian forest called "Understanding your pokémon" "Chu.If said happily it is saying yes or is agreeing with you.If said sad.It is hurt,or dissipointed.If said angrily it means it wants to hert you"the instructor said. "Chu?"pikachu said. "What if it says it in a confused voice?"Ash asked. "It wants to know what's going on"the instructor said. "MMM,I don't think pikachu likes this.I'm leaving!"Ash said quietly. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Ash and Misty continued there walk through Varidian forest. "pika pika chu pika"pikachu said. "Sure we can get some food"Ash told pikachu. Misty paused. "Uhhhh,Ash didn't you notice you understood pikachu?"Misty asked. Ash now paused.She was right. "I can now understand pikachu"Ash said happily. "You guys must share a special bond"Misty said. Ash looked at her.She was in her "nice" mood. "I guess it's now or never"Ash thought. "Misty I..." KERRRRRRPHTIPIDITKOKISHHHHH. "Ahhh,what was that?"Misty asked. Ash and Misty began to follow the sound.Sonn enough there in front of them were weedles and caterpie's duking it out.Horns were stabbed through caterpie's and weedles were rolled up in sting.Everyone was fighting.Ash was so busy watching the fight he never saw the dead weedle fly at him.The horn scraped his head and knocked Ash out cold.Misty ran over to him. "Ash,Ash?Speak to me Ash.Oh please wake up Ash.Don't die"Misty cried. But there was no answer.There lay an out cold Ash.His eyes were closed. "Grrrr.You'll pay for this!!!!Misty immediatly took out her trusty mallet and began to squash every bug in sight. Here a squash.There a squash.Everywhere a squash sqaush.Young Miss Misty had a mallet E I E I OW that's gotta hurt. Of course all the bugs began to get scared and ran off. "Don't even think about coming back!!!"Misty yelled with a tear in her eye. She walked over to Ash.She desperatly hoped he was alive.He could of been poisoned. "Ash all I ever wanted to let you know was that I loved you.Right from the bottom of my heart.And then you had to die. Ash of course didn't respond. She then gave Ash a small kiss on the cheek. Ash opened his eyes. "I love you too"he said. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Is he okay?"Misty asked the docter. "Oh he'll be out of here by tommorow.Nothing to worry about."The docter said. "Thank god"Misty said to herself. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ash opened his eyes.He was back in his hotel.He only had one thing on his mind right now(besides Misty which he always had on his mind!) to stop the pokémon war. "Well Ash.You heard what I said didn't you?"Misty asked. "Well yeah,"Ash said. "And you knew that I meant it right?"Misty asked. "Yes"Ash replied. "Well I also mean this,"Misty replied. She grabbed Ash and put her arms around him.Then lay the biggest kiss on the lips that she possibly could.After what seemed like hours they broke the kiss. "Well,that was unpredictable"Ash said laughing. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ash and Misty once again were in the forest looking for the caterpie's and weedles.. "Ash,I think I hear something"Misty replied. Ash listened which he didn't have to because there standing right in front of him were the same two Caterpie and Weedle he had seen before. Pikachu walked over. "What are you doing?"Ash whispered. "Pika pika pika(comunicating)"pikachu said. "Oh!"Ash said quietly "pikachu?(Hi I'm pikachu.You are?)"pikachu asked. "phtibidit(Hi I'm Catpi and this is my friend Weed)"the caterpie said. "pika pika chu pikachu?(How come you're not fighting?)"pikachu asked "Phtbriiitibiditphtbriphibit(Long story.One day caterpie's and Weedle's declared war to see who was the better pokémon.But much before that we were all friends."Catpi said. "Pika Chu Pika(We could help make peace.Please just let us help.) "phtbriii(Tried it.Things are always bloody around here.)"Catpi said. "Pika pika(give us a chance.) "pht(o.k.)"Catpi said. "pika pika chu pi?(Does your friend ever talk?)"Pikachu asked. "phtpht(he's shy around strangers!)Catpie said. "Well?"Ash asked. "Pikapi pikachu chu pika pi pika pika pika chu pika pika chu pika(Caterpie's and Weedle's once were friends but soon they started to brag about who was the better pokémon since their so much the same.These two want to make peace again.)"Pikachu said. Ash Misty and pikachu followed Catpi and Weed to a nearby cave. "Doesn't this situation remind you of pocahontas?"Misty asked Ash. "No it reminds ME of the lion King 2 Simba's pride."Ash said. "Pocahontas" "Lion King 2" "Pocahonttas" "Look Misty I'm not going to argue over something like this.You're my girlfriend now."Ash said. "You're pushing it"Misty warned. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The caterpie's and Weedle's grew closer.They were ready to pounce.This would determine who were the better pokémon. "pht!"(stop.) The Catpi's looked over to see Catpi and Weed.With Ash Misty and pikachu behind them. "Ash are you sure when you tell them that we are all equal and there is no better pokémon and that we can live in peace and harmony plan is gonna work?"Misty asked. "I hope"Ash said. "Ash that plan's so sweet"Misty said as she gave him a kiss. Unfortunatly Ash's "sweet" plan wasn't very sweet when it didn't work.As soon as Catpi showed them everyone got relly mad and continued to fight. Pikachu noticed Catpi was whispering something to Weed. Weed shook his head yes. "phtibiditpht,(May I have your attention please?)"Catpi asked. All the caterpie's and weedle's looked at him. "phtibphtbriii(If you won't get along let us fight one on one to see which pokémon is better.Then this war will end)"Catpie said. The caterpi's and weedle's watched on.Catpi attacked weed with sting shot.Weed was put in a ball of string.Unable to move.Catpi quickly used tackle but as he did his head hit Weed's horn.It thrushed into his head as he and Weed went flying off the ground.They landed with a hard thump!!!Both wre dead. Water began to twinkle in the Caterpie's and Weedle's eyes.They could now understand they were all equal.And to not know that would kill someone. "phtphttibit(I now declare this war over)"a caterpie said. Everyone jumped for joy.It was finally over. "Good Job Ash"Misty said. "Me?Their the ones who thought of that plan!"Ash said. "So you still tried"Misty said. "But I shouldn't get any credit"Ash said. "Yes you should" "No I shouldn't" "Should" "Shouldn't" "Should!!!!" Well it looks like Ash and Misty are still argueing.Oh well.Like they say....Uh What do they say.Oh well.I'm sure it's not that inportant. "Shouldn't!!!!" To Be Continued....


Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1

Gathering of the friends(pokédestiny)

Episode 6
Episode 7(nf)
Episode 8(nf)
Episode 9(nf)
Episode 10(nf)