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RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWK.RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWK.RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWC. "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!"Misty screamed. RAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWK! FLAP FLAP FLAP. RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWK "Pikachu!!!!"pikachu shouted. RAWAWAWAWAWK....RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWK! KABAM. "Pika!?" "No pikachu!"Ash yelled. "Ash no!"Misty warned. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWK CUT SLASH RIP _____________________________________________________________________________________ Episode #6:Legend of the mythical Honou. _____________________________________________________________________________________ "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"Misty said as she woke up from her incredibly bad dream. "Ash?Ash?Are you alive?"Misty worried. Ash looked at her from his sleeping bag. "Has Misty been having a bad dream?"Ash asked in a cute voice. "Uh,what makes you think that?"Misty asked. "C'mon Misty what's bothering you?"Ash asked. "Nothing!"Misty regreted. "C'mon Misty you can tell me!"Ash stated. "Oh fine!I've been having bad dreams about this thing that keeps going RAAAAWWWK.It's a really wierd bird pokémon of some sort.It attacked us.You ...You....You died"Misty let out crying. Ash moved closer to her and gave her a hug. "It's o.k. Misty"he said. "pika pika pika chu pika pi(I had a bad dream too!)"pikachu remarked. "Really what was it?"Ash asked interested. "Pika chu pika pi!!!(There was no ketchup in the fridge.Scares me when I think about it!"pikachu said. Ash fell backward sighing. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Ahhh,what a great day to catch a pokémon"Ash thought. "Like a beer?"Misty asked as she came up from behind Ash. "You drink???"Ash shouted. "Yep.HICUUP.Like a cigar?"Misty asked. "You also smoke!!!"Ash shouted about to faint. "Yeah so.COUGH COUGH COUGH.Ya wan't some whisky?HICUUP"Misty asked. "I...I...What happened to ya?"Ash asked almost in tears. "APRIL FOOLS!!!!You didn't acualy believe me did you.Come on Ash.How could you be so dence!"Misty laughed. "Okay I admit you got me good.But I'll get the next laugh!"Ash warned. "RAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWK" "No please god no!Not this"Misty trembled in fear. She quickly clung onto Ash. "Pokedex identify"Ash said. "No information available"pokedex updated. "Misty you were right.We are dealing with one legendary pokémon here"Ash regreted. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Hello"Prof. Oak said. "Hi...Oak uh...I saw it"Ash replied. "Saw what?"Oak asked. "A..a...mythical pokémon.My pokédex had no data,"Ash explained. "Mmmmmm by any chance did the pokémon look like this?"Oak asked as he held up a picture of a strange multicoulored bird. "That's it,that's the bird!"Ash exclaimed. "This might help you.Put your pokédex into the slot marked upgrade on the phone,"the proffessor explained. "O.k. done.Now what?"Ash asked. "Now just wait"the proffeser stated. The pokédex came back out. "O.k.Now your pokédex is upgraded.WAIT A MINUTE DID YOU SAY YOU SAW THIS POKéMON"Oak asked as he held up the picture. "Yeah why?"Ash asked. "Cause that is one of the most rarest pokémon there is.I'd catch it Ash!"Oak warned. "Uh,O.k."Ash Ash said as he hung up the phone. "Misty we got some exploring to do"Ash said to her. "Huh?"Misty asked confused. "We're going on a hunt for the mythical bird,"Ash replied. __________________________________________________________________________________________ "Ash it's raining.Can we go back?Misty asked. "No.I've got to catch that pokémon!"Ash shouted. "You care more about a pokémon then me?"Misty asked. "O.k.I understand.But after it stops raining you have to come look with me cause I really want that pokémon more then anything"Ash asked. Misty didn't even answer.She just left.Ash was not treating her nicely. "APRIL FOOLS!"she could hear Ash say in the distance. Misty smacked herself in the head.How could she of been so dence. "Sorry Misty.You can reast all you want.I'll just look o.k?"Ash asked. "Hey,it stopped raining,"Misty said changing the subject. "Hey look.There's a rainbow," Ash said as he pointed to it. "RAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWK" "Eeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!Ash the bird.That bird,"Misty screamed. There flying over the rainbow was the mythical bird.Ash quickly took out his pokédex. "Honou it is usually seen near rainbows.It is also known as the rainbow bird."Pokédex updated. "WOW"was all Ash could say. RAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. "Ash watch out"Misty screamed. Honou started swooping down down down.It's cllaws glistened in the sun.It was like it was swooping for prey.Through it's eyes it saw two people.It decided to swoop down to Misty since she was a bit taller.Exellent prey. RAWWWWWWWWK "Misty NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"Ash screamed as the bird swiftly grabbed Misty. "Ash heeeeeeeeeelp"She screamed with all her might. Ash had to do something and fast. "Ahah!" Ash quickly took out his five pokéballs.He threw the first one.Missed.Secound one.Another Miss.Third one.It was heading toward the pokémon...but Honou just blew it away with a flap of it's wings.Ash took out the fourth one and preyed he would capture him....but no another miss.Only one more left.This one really counts.Ash gripped the ball.He could hear Misty screaming from in the air and that was hisa main focus.Ash tilted his hat backward,held the pokéball firmly and twirled as it went through the ait turning turning turning.Almost there.A few more feet and Honou would be his(and so would Misty!!)The ball hit Honou opened and began to suck Honou in.But Honou just swiped it away with his tail feathers and was gone...with Misty.Ash sat there crying, crying, crying.He slammed his fist against the ground. "I will save you Misty.I promise.And that is no April Fool's joke!"Ash yellled at the top of his lungs. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ A day had passed and Ash had seen no sign of her.Ash felt a drizzle on his head. "Yes.It's raining!Rain means rainbow.Rainbow means Honou.And Honou means Misty!!!!"Ash jumped up with joy. Ash waited untill the rain stopped.A rainbow did come but there was no sign of Honou.... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "How dare you try to eat me ya small fry!!!!"Misty yelled. "Rawk Rawk Rawk"the baby Honou's in the nest chanted. "That cute thing's not going to work with me again!"Misty yelled. "Rawk?" "Why do you want to eat me anyway?I'm 10 times the size of you and could kill you just by stepping on you!"Misty wondered. "Rawk Rawk Raawk(try killing us.Mother won't be happy.How we eat you is quite simple.We rip you to shreds!"a baby Honou said. "I can't understand you but your probably saying something cute"Misty said. "rawk rawk raaawk(I don't know guys.Are you feeling hungry.I sure am.)"a honou rawked. "rawk(yep)"the others said. Misty noticed the Honou's were licking there beaks. "Uhhhhh,Aaaaaaaaassssssssssssh hhhhhhhheeeeeeeelp!!!!!"Misy screached. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "aash elp" "What was that?"Ash asked himself as he heard a voice ecoing through the air. "MISTY!" __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Uh you guys did I mention I was all skin and bones.Really.I am.Uh the last person who at me died.Yeah that's it!!Heh heh heh"Misty nervously said. "Pikachu go" "Huh?Ash?"Misty asked. "Garyados go" "Ash your here!"Misty happily said as he went up to him. "Pikachu thundershock,"Ash ordered. "Garyados" Dragon Rage,Ash shouted. Twirl ZAP Twirl Zap. The two forces came together to make an electric tornado. The babies fainted. RAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWK. "Oh no,not the mother"Misty preyed. But there right in front of them was "THE MOTHER"with no ship! It was about to attack Misty when.... "WAIT"Ash shouted. Honou turned it's head to face Ash. "I will take her place"Ash said firmly. "What.Are you crazy Ash?"Misty yelled. "Always remember me"Ash said. "What Ash this is crazy.April Fool's was yesteday,"Misty stated. "This is no joke"Ash said with a tear in his eye. Misty looked at him.He really wasn't joking. "Bye"Misty cried as her arms rapped around him.Ash then gave her a quick kiss. RAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWK. Misty could not watch.She covered her eyes so she never saw the Honou eat Ash... To Be Continued....


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5

Gathering of the friends

Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9