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The Cabin Project Fall 2003 

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Fall 2003

In September, With the paper work completed and confirmed by the state, I could get started.  My goal for the fall of 2003 was to get trail cleared to the property, and then to a potential building site on the creek side of the property.  

Trail existed to my neighbor's cabin south of the property, which meant I only needed to clear trail from the existing trail to a building site, about 200 yards.  I selected a route for the trail which run up to the southeast corner of the property and then along the east edge a short distance before turning west toward the creek side of the property.  Over the course of several trips to the property, and mainly using the brush cutter, I clear a swath about 8 feet wide through chest high brush with the occasional downed tree underneath.   Cutting brush with the brush cutter made life easy, the hard part was to get all the cut brush out of the way so you can keep cutting.  I would make a pass over about 10 foot of trail and then gather the cut brush and hauled it into piles to be burned later when weather safely permitted.  Then make a second pass over the same area to get to the brush I couldn't get to on the first pass, and continue on another 10 feet into uncut brush, then clean up the cutting again.  (A wood chipper would be handy for disposing of brush, but elected to save the money.)  The process went on until I reached the far side of the property.  On my last few visits I got to break thin layers of ice on the small water puddles on the main trail going in.  The advantage of only being 3 miles off the road, is that it was only a 40 minute trip to spend nights in my truck camper  warm and comfortable.

Steve Leemhuis and I ran into a deal on telephone poles, which are great for building boardwalks, bridges, our foundations for sheds or cabins.  The price was $1.00 per foot, the only catch was we had to haul them.  We used Steve's 20 foot car hauling trailer for the job.  While I only bought 3 twenty foot sections, Steve filled the trailer with all he dare carry for himself.   With the aid of Steve's Polaris Ranger 6 wheeled ATV we pulled the poles off the trailer and piled them along side the trail near the parking lot, to be hauled in to our property's by snowmobile in the winter.  

By the time the snow started I had a summer trail cleared, and a few things stored on the property like a burn barrel, and a metal box with some tools and tarps.  I piled the box on the burn barrel, stuck the rake up beside (so I could hopefully find it later), and it and left it for the snow to cover.  


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Future trail

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Before & After. The first cleared trail.

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Clear & Burn

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Looking back toward neighbor's trail

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