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The Cabin Project Summer 2004

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You may notice I skipped Spring.  Spring is a time to avoid traveling the trails and/or hauling loads.  The trails are wet and mushy in the spring, making for deep ruts, which remain all summer.

See Cabin Project Photo Gallery for Photos

Early Summer 2004


Once the trails dried from the spring thaw, I made a quick visit to the property to see if the stuff I had left there was resting upright after the snow melted out from under it.  I was happy to see everything still standing.  However, I had been visited by bears, but they didn't damage anything major.  They punctured a 2 gallon gas can, and poked some holes in the insulation I had hauled out for the shed floor, and used a plastic scoop shovel for a play toy, but nothing else.  

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Shed Project

In June I began clearing an area to construct the 8 x10 foot shed.  With that done, I open the shed package.  Of course the materials for the floor frame was at the bottom of the package, so I had to move everything piece by piece to get to the materials I needed first.  

The first step was to get the floor frame put together, then cover it with a layer of plastic and small mess contractors screen to hopefully keep the small critters out.  With that done I enlisted the help of a some neighbors, Jack Schomer,  Mark Majors, and Stan, to help flip the frame over and square it up on the concrete blocks I had placed.  Next was to lay insulation in the floor frame and then cover it with the supplied 1x4" flooring.  

Next was framing the walls and roof, covering it in felt paper, and then the siding.  Over the course of 3 or 4 weekend visits, that was accomplished.  Last was the roof covering.  The shed kit came with cedar shingles, but after thinking about it I decided to go with a metal roof.  Snow slides off metal easier, plus there is less worry about sparks from trash or brush fires, and will last forever.  

September 13, 2004

The shed now has a new metal roof!  Thanks to the help of Steve Leehmuis, it only took us 4 hours from start to finish.  Just in time too, it started to sprinkling by the time I reached the parking lot, which turned to a down poor on the way home. 

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