In the Summer of 2004, the Trapper
Creek Glenn Homeowners Association received a grant to do trail
improvements on the main trial into the subdivision. With finances
allocated for trail improvements, the homeowners joined together to form
the work force. Over the course of many weekend group work
parties, we managed to improve the first mile of trail, which was some of
the worst sections of trail. The muddy photo to the right, is a
section of trial only a hundred yards or so from the parking lot. It
gives you an idea of what were dealing with.
The first step was to smooth out and fill any major
rough spots. Then we laid landscaping fabric over any wet areas,
which was then covered with gravel. The fabric prevents the gravel
from sinking into the mud. In some areas culverts had to be used to
allow drainage to pass under the trail. We had 400 yards of gravel
dumped in the parking lot and went to work.
One of the land owner, Charlie, built a couple of
custom ATV trailers to haul and dump gravel, and we found another owner
who was able to get us a couple of belly dump ATV gravel trails, which is
what the state uses for trail work. We rented a Kabota tractor with
a front end loader for loading gravel into ATV trailers. We
found 2 Kabota buckets was about maximum load for the ATV's and trailers.
It was still a lot of manual labor! Belly dump loads had to be
broken loose with a bar, and then the gravel had to be spread by hand.
It required many ATV loads! Of course break downs became an issue
The photos give you an idea of the work involved.
Mary Leemhuis took some great photos of the trial project, be sure to
check out here photos.
I am happy to say that our trial
improvements from last year are holding strong. After a winter of
deep snow and heavy melt of, the trail is still in great shape! |

Part of Trail pre-improvements!

Spreading Gravel

Hauling Gravel

And more Gravel

And still more gravel!

Nice hoe Lady |