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The Cabin Project Winter 2003 

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Winter 2003

There wasn't much I could do on the property during the winter. The goal was to wait until the firmer snow conditions in late winter to pack and trail and  haul in my telephone poles and the material to build a small shed.    Hauling big and heavy materials is best done in the winter, when you can do it with a snowmobile with a cargo sled.  It is easier to slide stuff over snow than drag it through mud!  That and it is easier on the trials too!  

As time went on, plans changed.  I decided to use the telephone poles might best be used as pilings for a cabin instead of laying under a shed.  I figure with 3 twenty foot poles I could make 6 ten foot pilings, which would be a firm foundation for a 16 x 20 foot cabin floor.   

By March of 2004 I had a nice firm snowmobile trail into the property.  Patty and I purchased the materials to build a 16 x 20 floor frame complete with floor decking, and hauled all in.

Steve dug our telephone poles out from under a winters worth of snow, and then hauled them in with the help of a log hauling sled, and lots of pole wrestling.  (It's interesting handling and dragging 20 foot telephone poles!)  I think we had a total of 16 poles between us, so it took a couple of days haul them all in on the 3 mile trail.  

With the poles and floor framing & decking hauled in, it occurred to me that  we would still need a small shed to store stuff out of reach of the local bear population.  I would need a generator to run power tools, and various other tools and supplies, which is not the type of stuff I want to leave for the bears to play with.  

Snow on the trail was getting thin, which meant I didn't have much time remaining in the snowmobile hauling season.  I found a packaged 8 x 10 foot cedar shed kit at Home depot for a reasonable price, and also spotted a nice 5500 watt generator discounted at Home Depot, so I purchased them both.  I took the generator, snowmobile, and a few other supplies north, and hauled it all in to the property.  Then I left my snowmobile near the parking lot and headed back to Home Depot to pick up the shed package.  The shed was packaged and wrapped in one big bundle, which weight at least 1500 pounds!  I had Home Depot set it on my cargo sled which was on my snowmobile trailer, to make getting started down the trail easier.  With spring weather the snow was melting and getting soft in the afternoons, but freezing to an icy crush at night.  I waiting until first thing in the morning while the snow was still hard and icy to haul the shed in as one load.  My old Bear Cat did the trick, but I definitely knew I was hauling some weight!   (Many thanks to my friend Harry Caldwell, who was there to help, and who I couldn't have unloaded the shed from the sled without.)   Getting the shed off the sled required a come-a-long hand hoist.  We tied on to the shed bundle, then winched it over on it's side far enough to get the sled out from under it, which was a task!

By the end of the snowmobile hauling season, the heavy stuff I hope to use the following summer and fall was hauled in.  I now had material to build an 8x10 shed on blocks, and frame & deck a 16'x20' floor on 10 foot telephone poles!  I had also spent my first nights winter camping on the property in my Arctic Oven tent, which was nice! 

Digging out the telephone poles


Steve & I hauling poles



Hauling the shed kit in



Harry helping unload the shed



Unloading the shed


Winter Camp



Material Pile



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