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This a collection of photos taken up at the cabin property and along the trail.

Click on a Thumbnail to view larger version in separate window.  Some images may be fairly large and may require slightly more than a minute to load on a 56K dial up connections.

1stWinterVist.jpg (502909 bytes) Boardwalk.jpg (187806 bytes) Trail_5_03.jpg (140068 bytes) Trail_8_16_04.jpg (242999 bytes) Trail_Kelly_2wheeler.jpg (332839 bytes)
First winter visit to the property by snowmobile.

(You can't see the dense brush that is hidden under the snow.)

Boardwalk across Deep Creek, on Main Trail 

(One of Several Boardwalks on the main trail)

One of the Mud holes on the main trail. 

 (Prior to 2004 trail improvements.)

Main Trail after Improvement in 2004.

Much of this section of trail was wet and muddy prior to the improvements.

Kelly Crumpler on his 3 wheel ATV in one of the muddy sections of the main trail.
BigSaw.jpg (271157 bytes) FutureTrail.jpg (748436 bytes) TrailDay1.jpg (334159 bytes) TrailCutting02.jpg (513810 bytes) TrailCutting03.jpg (625682 bytes)
Me with a little chain saw.  (I was helping my buddy Jeff Wilson mill lumber for his boardwalk. Note the mill behind me.) What it looked like from where I had to start cutting trail into the property. Before & After photo of where I started cutting trail into the property.  (Both images are of the same area, just a slightly different angle.) Clearing trail in the fall of 2003. Cleared trail, looking back toward where I started. 

Fall 2003

SpruceHens.jpg (148027 bytes) BearTrackMud.jpg (341640 bytes) Porcupine.jpg (241189 bytes) Bear Insulation.jpg (113206 bytes) WinterStashPile01.jpg (203336 bytes)
Some of the locals.

Spruce Hens along the main trail. 


Bear tracks in the mud on the trail near the lake. (You know their fresh when the mud hadn't filled in the finer details.) Porcupine hiding up a tree on the property.  (Just one of the critters I have to share the property with.) Bear Print on my insulation.

The insulation was in the pile of stuff that is seen in the photo to the right.

Poles and lumber hauled out in spring to be used in the summer. (See photo below for the summer view of the same stuff.)
WinterCamp.jpg (186216 bytes) WinterStashPile02.jpg (165306 bytes) PoleHauling1.jpg (154632 bytes) PolesInSnow.jpg (111955 bytes) StashedStuff.jpg (252856 bytes)
Winter camp on the property.

My Camp while hauling stuff in and doing some clearing in the spring.

One of my piles of stuff hauled out in the spring of 2004. Steve & I hauling in the telephone poles. (Mine will be used as posts to build my cabin on.) Digging out the Telephone poles. Steve Leemhuis & I laid them by the trail the previous summer to be hauled in during the winter. Same pile of stuff in the above photo, just a little different in the summer.

Phase I: The Shed, Summer of 2004

ShedHaulingIn.jpg (159325 bytes) ShedUnload01.jpg (384735 bytes) ShedUnload02.jpg (443730 bytes) WinterDenali.jpg (102286 bytes) ShedFrame.jpg (273386 bytes)
Hauling the shed in.

I had the store load it on my Siglin Sled with a forklift, then just hauled it in. Spring of 2004.


Harry Caldwell helping with getting the shed off my Siglin Sled. Another view of Harry Caldwell unloading the shed.

I marked the site where the shed will be built in this photo.

View of Denali from one of the local trails. The Shed in the framing stage.

Summer of 2004


ShedSitePana.jpg (242226 bytes)   ShedPana_01.jpg (290532 bytes)
View of shed side after it was cleared.   Panoramic view of shed and looking south.

Large file!


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Site created by Kent A. Kantowski,  KAK Design's, Anchorage, Alaska  Copyright © 2000

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