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The Cabin Project Summer 2005

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Winter 2004-2005 Update

Shed in the snow

I did not visit the cabin property during the winter.  (I was busy with Serum Run tasks, and there wasn't much I could do on the property during the winter.  My first visit to the property was April 17th.  I was surprise to find at least 7 foot of snow on the ground still!  Only the roof of my little shed was visible from any distance, it was up to the eves in snow.   If you look at the photo to the left, the ladder beyond the shed is a 10ft, you can only see the top 2 rungs!  I was also amazed at the number of large trees the snow took down during the winter.


Summer 2005

1st summer visit before starting

Same area after 1st clearing

My first summer visit was mid June.  The first step was to reclaim what the ferns had taken over.  The area I cleared the previous year was well grown in with ferns and a few fallen trees.

The mosquito's were thick this year and hungry this year!  After a few days covered in DEET, sweat, and dust, progress was made!  One my second trip in June, I started expanding my cleared area and cleaned up more snow damaged trees.    

You can see some progress in the photos to the left.  They are both of the same area before and after I cleaned things up.

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