Captain Ginyu
Race: Mutant
Eyes: Black
Hair: None
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Body Change, Zanzoken
Series: DBZ
Leader of the Ginyu force, he is by far the strongest of them all. It is not known whether the body he first appears with is his original form, as he has to power to swap bodies with other people. When he steals Goku’s body he acts like Goku to Gohan. Krillen, Gohan and Goku team up on him. Vegeta comes from hiding and clams he’s a Super Saiyan and easily defeats Ginyu. Ginyu tries to take Vegetas body, but Goku jumps into the way. Then Ginyu tries to do it again and Goku throws a frog towards the beam. He later meets up with Bulma who realizes that the frog can understand her. Then she makes a Universal Language translator and Ginyu switches bodies with her. And uses her craft to go to the fight between Goku and Freeza. He cheers on Freeza and it takes Krillen, Gohan, and Piccolo to realize that it is Ginyu when he tries to switch bodies with Piccolo. Gohan throws Bulma towards the beam and shes back to normal.

Race: Robot
Eyes: None
Hair: None
Abilities: Able to find Dragonballs
Series: DBGT
Little robot with the feature of a dragon radar(swallowed the dragonball radar) created by Dr. Myuu. It was found by Goku, Pan, and Trunks and befriended the crew.

Goku Jr.
Race: Three Quarters Human and One Quarter Saiyan
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Abilities: Bukujutsu, SSJ, Zanzoken
Series: DBGT Special
The third generation decendant of Goku, he's the grandson of Pan, but it is never known who his parents were. He only makes one appearance in the Dragonball GT series - during the Tenkaichi Budoukai that occured 100 years after the end of DBGT. Goku is the main character of the DBGT Special. At the begining, he is cowardly. But when Pan is in the hopital, Goku Jr. goes on a search for the four stat dragonball to wish for Pan to get better. He joins Pahku the bully that picked on him. They become friends after saving each others lives. When he eventually find the dragonball, he finds out he needs all seven dragonballs. He also finds out you don't need dragonballs to save a loved one all you need is love and courage.

Race: Namek
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: None
Abilities: Awaking Powers, Made Dragon Balls, Gives Powers
Series: DBZ
Eldest Namek. In the Freeza Series, he helped unleash Krillin and Gohan's hidden powers. Helping them later on against the Ginyu Force. He sends Nail to fight against Freeza to give Dende more time to reach Krillin and Gohan with the password to the dragonballs.
Race: Basian
Eyes: Black
Hair: None
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Kanashibari no Jyutsu, Telepathy, Time freeze
Series: DBZ
The weakest member of the Ginyu force. The reason why he is one the team because he can freeze time, and he can read people's minds. Also another reason is because he can freeze any warrior in place and kill them.

Dr. Gero
Race: Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: White
Abilities: Barrier, Eye Lazers, Hikou, Power Absorbtion
Series: DB
Evil engineer of Red Ribbon. He developed a hatred towards Goku since Goku destroyed Red Ribbon. He devoted the rest of his life trying to destroy Goku by creating a number of androids to do the job, but was betrayed and killed by Android 17. In hell, he allied with Dr. Myuu to create Artificial 17. 17 betrayed and killed him once again.

Grandpa Gohan
Race: Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: White
Abilities: Kamehameha
Series: DB
Goku’s adoptive Grandfather, who took care of him since he was a child. He is fairly strong, as he was trained by Kamesennin from who he learned all his techniques. He is the owner of one of the dragonballs. It is this ball which triggers the beginning of the story. He was killed by Goku during a full moon, when Goku goes Oozaru. It is only after that Goku knows about this sad tragedy. Gohan meets Goku again, thanks to the elp of Uranai Baba, who brings him back from the dead for a day.

Race: Half Saiyan, Half Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Kamehameha, Masenko, Oozaru, Renzoku Energy Dan, SSJ, SSJ2, Zanzoken
Series: DBZ, DBGT
Gohan, Goku and Chi-chi's first son, was named after his adoptive grandfather. Physically, he resembles a young Goku right down to the tail and the propensity to become an uncontrollable raging Oozaru, while spiritually he is a good pure of heart as well. Because of his protective mother, Gohan starts out as a wimp, but when Earth is threatened, he reveals his tremendous potential as a child.
Race: Saiyan
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Dragon Fist, Fusion, Genki-Dama, Jan-Ken Punch, Kaioken, Kamehameha, Kiaiho, Kienzan, Oozaru, Renzoku Energy Dan, Shunkanido, SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3, SSJ4, USSJ, Taiyoken, Telepathy, Teleportation, Zanzoken
Series: DB, DBZ, DBGT
Goku is the hero of Dragonball,Z, and GT. He is the most powerful warrior on Earth and first to become a Super Saiyan in over 1000 years. He was sent to Earth to destroy it when he saw the full moon. He was found by Grandpa Gohan who saw him abandoned in his Saiyan Capsule. He raised him as if he was his own, but had a hard time with him due to his Saiyan blood. He later had a terrible accident which made him the good and caring person he is now.

Race: Half Saiyan, Half Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Fusion, Kamehameha, SSJ, Zanzoken
Series: DBZ, DBGT
The second child of Goku already showed his talent at a younf age. He was turn Super Saiyan at the age of five completly surprising his older brother. His fusion with Trunks, making Gotenks, they were even able to become Super Saiyan. Unfortunatly, due to his lack of discipline, he did not maintain his ability as to be forced to join the Budoukai by his father.

Race: Half Saiyans, Half Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: Purple and Black
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Dai Kaiten Kick, Dynamite Kick, Galactica Donut, Gekitotsu Ultra Buu Buu Volley Ball, Jigen ni Ana o Akeru, Miracle Super Punch, Kame Hame Ha, Power Tackle, Renzoku Shine Shine Missile, Rolling Thunder Punch, Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, SSJ, SSJ3, Ultra Missile Punch, Wild Boar Attack, Zanzoken
Series: DBZ, DBGT
Using the fusion technique, Goten and Trunks can fuse into Gotenks. He is very powerful, second only to Gohan and Vegetto, and also is the only character other than Goku to turn Super Saiyan 3. However it is his huge ego which gets him in trouble.

Gyuu Mao
Race: Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Abilities: None
Series: DB, DBZ, DBGT
Gyuu-mao was Kamesennin's second best student, next to Gradpa Gohan. He is a very large man who is always characterized by wearing a horned helmet. He appeared in the earlier series, during the first search of the Dragonballs.

Race: Saiyan
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Abilities: Special Genki-Dama, Bukujutsu, Kame Hame Ha, SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ4, Zanzoken
Series: DBGT
Gogeta is the fusion of Goku and Vegeta without the Potora Earrings. He makes two appearences once during Movie #12 and second in DBGT. In GT we see him fused at Super Saiyan 4. He was fused to destroy Ii-Shenron but, he could only stay fused for 20 minutes since it was the fourth stage of the Saiyans. They weakened Ii, but don't defeat him until they unfuse.

Race: Demon
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Zanzoken
Series: DBZ Movie#1
He kidnaps Gohan with his partners cause Gohan had the fourth dragonball on his hat. He brings him back to Garlic Jr. Ginger is easily defeated by Goku.

Garlic Jr.
Race: Demon
Eyes: Black
Hair: None
Abilities: Transform, Bukujutsu, Belly Blast, Zanzoken, Paralyzing Web
Series: DBZ
He first come in the movie dead zone looking for the dragonballs to wish for immortality. He gathers all the dragonballs and gets his wish. He wants Gohan to be his second hand man cause of his strength. Gohan as no clue what is going on cause he is still a child. Garlic easily beats up Kami then Piccolo shows up and Goku too. They team up on Garlic forcing him to transform. Garlic Jr. makes a dead zone causing all things to be sucked into it. Gohan that is very angry gets up and spasms out and knockes garlic into the dead zone and it closes up. The next time he shows up after the Freeza saga wanting revege on Gohan, Piccolo, and Goku. Not knowing that Goku is on planet Yadritt he waits for him to show up. He uses the black fog of terror to bring out the evil in everything. Gohan, Ickerius, Krillen, Piccolo, and Krillens new girl friend Marron aren’t effected by this by doing activities in the sky and under water. The Spice Boys get Gohan trapped into a energy force holding him in place. He gets freed by Piccolo. He runs off with Krillen to fight Garlic Jr. and get the Holy water to turn everybody back to normal. Gohan punches right through Garlic Jr. in his transformed stage but he heals up cause he is immortal. Garlic Jr. gets relly mad by this and makes another dead zone. And is knocked into it forever.

Race: Animal
Eyes: Black
Hair: None
Abilities: None
Series: DBZ, DBGT
One of North Kaio's test and companion. He is the second test fighters to have to accomplish to train under the North Kaio.

General Blue
Race: Human
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Abilities: None
Series: DB
One of the strongest members of the Red Ribbion Army, General Blue can fight and has psychic ability to back it up. Of all the officers of the Red Ribbion Army, he was a threat for the longest period of time.

Race: Unknown
Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair: Orange
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Zanzoken
Series: DBZ Movie#9
Swordman from Bojack's henchmen. He is a strong being, strong enough to fight equal with Trunks. When Trunks turned Super Saiyan, Gokua was easily defeated.

Great Saiyaman
Race: Half Saiyan, Half Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Kamehameha, Masenko, Renzoku Energy Dan, SSJ, SSJ2, Zanzoken
Series: DBZ, DBGT
Also known as Gohan, he is the defender of Satan City. He isn't taken seriously until he fights in the Tenkaichi Budoukai. He poses like Captain Ginyu to show off his muscles. He doesn't get reconized till he turns SSJ to save Videl from getting killed.

Great Saiyaman 2
Race: Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Zanzoken
Series: DBZ Movie#13
Also known as Videl, she helps out Great Saiyaman but, she only appears once in the series and in Movie 13.

Race: Unknown
Eyes: Black
Hair: Red
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Zanzoken
Series: DBZ Movie#4
Devil looking henchmen of Slug, he is killed by Slug when he insults Slugs age.

Race: Orge
Eyes: Black
Hair: Purple
Abilities: None
Series: DBZ
Blue demon of hell, Gozu hit Goku over the head when Goku attempted to take one of King Yemma's special fruit. Learning of who Goku was, he decided to have fun with him, pretending to help Goku escape and return to Snake-Way. After playing for a while, his partner Mezu wanted to play also, and Gozu wanted Goku to compete against him.