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Race: Konackian
Eyes: Black
Hair: Red
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Ocarina
Series: DBZ Movie#13
Possessed by the demon Hildegarn, Tapion is a master with his sword. His strength is nothing when compared to Goku, but he unobjectionally sacrifices his freedom in order to keep Hildegarn at bay. The blade that he wields is handed down to Trunks after Hildegarn is vanquished.


Race: Saiyan
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Zanzoken
Series: DBZ Movie#2
He came to Earth in search of Kakarot. He confused Gohan because he looks exactly like Goku. Tarlus realizes that Gohan has a tail and makes a moon ball making him go Oozaru. He tries to kill Goku because Gohan nor Goku would join his team. Tarlus shoots a beam at the ground causing it to cave in because of the Tree absorbed pratically everything on Earth. Gohan and Goku come crashing down through the hallow earth. Ickrus come to amuse Gohan cause he is the only thing realizes. Tarlus gets very angry and blows away Ickerus. Gohan tries to attack Tarlus, but he gets his tail chopped off before Tarlus killed him. Goku attacks Tarlus making him run toward the tree grabbing a apple making him stronger. He beats up Goku and leaves him for dead. Goku makes a spirit bomb but it wasn’t strong enough cause there is barely any life on earth. So Kaiosama told Goku to get energy from the tree. It was strong enough for to kill Tarlus.


Race: Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black Shaved
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Dodonpa, Kamehameha, Kiai, Kikoho, Mafuba, Shiyoken, Taiyoken, Zanzoken
Series: DB, DBZ, DBGT
Teinshinhan, also known as Tien, is the second strongest human warrior. He is about Goku's height and pretty muscular. He has three eyes, two normal eyes, and one eye on the top of his head. Tien is good friends with Chaozu, and is his bodyguard. He is the developer of the technique known as the Solar Flare. The "three-eyed man", even though he makes few appearances later on, still plays a decent roll in Dragonball.

SSJ Trunks

Race: Half Saiyan, Half Human
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Purple
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Burning Attack, Finish Buster, Fusion, Kamehameha, Masenko, Renzokou Kikou Ha, SSJ, USSJ, Zanzoken
Series: DBZ, DBGT
Trunks is the first child of Vegeta and Bulma. There are two Trunks in the DB universe; "Future Trunks" comes from a parallel universe 14 years in the future where evil androids rule the Earth. He goes back in time after the death of Freeza to prepare the Z warriors for the androids' arrival. So as not to prevent his own birth, he tells no one of his heritage, except Goku. "Chibi Trunks" is born a little before Future Trunks returns to his own time. He likes to hang out with Goten and they are very good friends. When he and Goten are together, he has a tendency to get them in trouble. Trunks is also sad that he does not have a brother like Goten does. Trunks has purple hair and displays extreme levels of power, he reaches Super Saiyan when he is eight. Despite Trunks' ability to get Goten and himself in trouble, he means well.

Tao Pai Pai
Tao Pai Pai

Race: Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: Brown
Abilities: Kung-Fu master, Assassin
Series: DB, DBZ
Is a Chinese assassin and Kung-Fu master. He wears a suit with the words: “Kill You” on the back; and is hired by the Red Ribbon army. He is the only person capable of fighting a man to man combat with Goku. He kills Bora, which triggers yet another quest for the dragonballs. Goku finally fights him, and apparenty kills him by returning the grenade throw by Tao. Tao returns six years later, he reappears in the Tenkaichi Budoukai this this time as a cyborg seeking revenge against Goku. After loosing against Tenshinhan, he doesn’t reappear in the manga.


Race: Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: Gray
Abilities: Kung-Fu Trainer
Series: DB
Tao Pai Pai’s brother, Tenshinhan and Chao-zu’s master and was Kamessenin’s old colleague and rival when both were under the teaching of Mutaitosama. Being extremely conceded, he’s not a particularly dangerous opponent since he does not do much more then brag about his students. Responsible for the turning of Tao Pai Pai into a Cyborg, he hates Goku and friends, becoming also an enemy to Tenshinhan and Chaozu when they both change sides, becoming Goku’s friends.

Thin Buu
Thin Buu

Race: Majin
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
Abilities: Assimilation, Bukujutsu, Kaifuku, Regeneration, Renzokou Kikou Ha, Shogekiha, Zanzoken, Udebunriogeki
Series: DBZ
When two thugs shoot Mr. Satan in the heart, Fat Buu releases his evil, forming his opposite, Thin Buu. A being of pure evil, it is identical to its innocent counterpart in all but appearance. This form does not last very long, as Thin Buu soon devours his better half.


Race: Saiyan
Eyes: Black
Hair: Brown
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Zanzoken
Series: DBZ Special#2
A member of Bardock's Team also Bardock's best friend. He was almost killed by Dodorias Henchmen, but telling him the secret of Freeza double crossing the Saiyan Race. This gets told to Bardock getting all the Saiyan's to counter attack on Freeza.


Race: Saiyan
Eyes: Black
Hair: Brown
Abilities: Bukujutsu, Zanzoken
Series: DBZ Special#2
One of Bardock's Men who constantly eats all the time. He is killed by Dodoria's henchmen.
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