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Race: Imeggan
Eyes: Grey
Hair: None
Abilities: Bukujutsu
Series: DBGT
Ledgic is the personal bodyguard of Don Kea, the ruler of the Planet Imegga. This is the first planet that Goku, Trunks, and Pan travel to in the early days of Dragon Ball GT. Upon their arrival, Ledgic confronts Goku and attempts to barr him from the planet. He gives Goku quite a beating, and it appears that the battle is about to be over, when Goku transforms into SSJ and swiftly defeats the Imeggan warrior.

Race: Human
Eyes: Vary
Hair: Vary
Abilities: Transforming
Series: DB, DBZ, DBGT
Attractive in both forms, Launch changes back and forth from a kindly girl to a hate-filled gangster when she sneezes. During Kamesennin's training of Goku and Krillen, she serves as a cook. However, her frequent transformations often put them in great danger. All in all, Launch can be one tough bitch.

Race: Human
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: Brown
Abilities: Pulling Pranks
Series: DBZ
She is the grand-daughter of Mutaio-sama. She is very protective of herself when Gohan saves her she calls him a pervert, and runs away. Gohan continues his mothers shopping and meets up with Lime again. He fines out that her parents where consumed by Cell told by Mutaio-sama. Her and Gohan befriend while they walk towards the protecting shelter. She sees the people gettig ripped off and she starts to scream Cell!. The people become paranoid and bombard into the shelter.

Race: Demon
Eyes: Black
Hair: Purple
Abilities: Bukujutsu
Series: DB Movie#2
He tried to destroy the sun, so that there would be complete darkness. He had a cannon directed at the sun until Goku shoots a Kamehameha at the cannon and it targets at Lucifer and kills him.
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