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Suzaku and the Dragon's Tear

A new, more dangerous consequence of Ranma's curse lies in the form of a young woman linked to his past, present, and future. More than ever, the stakes are rising, and when the dark master of Suzaku appears, it may be too late....

*#27: Burning Eyes; With renewed desire to rid himself of his curse Ranma enters a talent show whose grand prize is a trip for two to China! But, is it too good to be true, as Shizuka suggests?

*#28: Shadow Weaver; Ranma must make a deal with the devil to get to China. Hokuto reveals her dark secret just as Ranma's enemies are about to converge in a gigantic clash for ultimate victory-- who will be the victor?

*#29: Crystal Spider; Akane races against unseen enemies to do her part in Ranma's quest to free him from his curse. Allies are few and far between, but enemies gather in swarms. Beware, Akane, the twisted web of the Crystal Spider!

*#30: Flame of the Red Lotus; Continuing on their search to find a way to aid Ranma in his quest Akane and her allies must fend off the forces after the same goals. When the final die is cast, the fate of all shall be determined....

*#31: Dream Stalkers; Ranma and Hokuto enter the Cistern Valleys in the midst of civil war! The Chinese tribes isolated in the surrounding valleys fight just causes, but who is the one orchestrating the conflict?

*#32: Endless Tears; The mastermind behind the Cistern Valley war continues the mad scheme. Ranma and Hokuto's last hope lies in a last-ditch effort that may cost them their lives, but help comes in the form of an unexpected source!


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