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Souls of Fire


4/19/02: General cleanup. Some of the pictures may be missing.

11/19/01: Fixed broken links.

6/15/01: I'm busy planning for Anime Expo.

3/21/01: A Souls of Fire cast shot has been set up. View: Page 1, Page 2. WARNING: Both pages are spoilers for the end of the series, so I don't suggest looking unless you don't care or already passed that point.

3/20/01: Added final chapter, Judgement Day. Thus ends the Souls of Fire saga.

3/7/01: Souls of Fire has returned with two new chapters: Mechanical Plague and Between Scylla and Charybdis. Enjoy.

2/2/01: People who enjoyed Vision of the Future can try out the sequel, Black Dream. While the Ranma cast isn't immediately available they are hidden in the game in a secret, mini-campaign, pitted against fanfic characters Cinder, Kanna, and Shizuka, in a Battle Royale.

Thirtieth Century Earth-- Crystal Tokyo, a shining beacon of peace and harmony. Lead by the benevolent Neo Queen Serenity mankind has ushered a new era of enlightenment. However, those who remember the world before yearn for those days again.... After their victory over the Black Moon Family Crystal Tokyo is about to undergo another terrifying war... one much worse than before!

Previous Poll Results

The Fanfics

  1. Rise of Black Moon. Awakening from a nightmare, seventeen men and women are revived and become the greatest threat Crystal Tokyo has ever known.
  2. Mercury Rising. In an age of peace there is little hope to beat a four-on-seventeen odds when the enemy is more than capable than Crystal Tokyo's defenders! Can Mercury's dangerous game be her last?
  3. Symphony of Fire. Sailor Mars gets a rematch against her Fenril nemesis, while the Triumvirate executes its first step towards their final goal!
  4. Electrical Burn. Ami settles into her new life. The Fenril set their ultimate plan in motion.
  5. Metal Flame. Neo Queen Serenity reveals the truth behind the creation of Crystal Tokyo as the Fenril Knights launch a daring siege on the Crystal Palace. Is it enough to turn the tide?
  6. Shade of Gray. Wiseman and Neo Queen Serenity meet on uneasy terms to discuss the future. Uranus and Neptune clash with their most cunning opponents yet.
  7. Broken Sword. Uranus and Neptune face the consequences of their actions. Ami finds an opening in the Fenrils' war machine, but is it too good to be true? Can she betray her new friends in favor of the world?
  8. Shattered Mirror. Leaderless, the Fenril Knights launch a daring plan to rescue Ayame from her self-imposed exile. Ranma clashes face-to-face with his nemesis, Sailor Moon.
  9. Death Sphere. It is the calm before the storm, and the Sailor Senshi and Fenril Knights both prepare for the inevitable final battle. Kanna challenges King Endymion for the rule of the world.
  10. Sovereign of Silence. The Fenril Knights launch their final attack on the Crystal Palace, and it is up to Sailor Moon, Mars, and Mercury to hold them off until help can arrive. However, that help may come in the form least expected, and it may be already too late now that the doomsday weapon nears completion....
  11. Ascension. The Sailor Senshi play a game of catch-up as the remaining Fenril Knights continue their plans, despite the defeat of their leaders. Old habits, and rivalries, die hard, as the kami make their presences known.
  12. Ragnarok. A mechanical plague looms on the horizon, and Sailor Moon must turn to the Fenril Knights in order to stop them! Setting aside their differences in the face of a greater foe, can the combined forces of the Sailor Senshi and the Fenril Knights overcome the enemy from beyond the stars? The Black Wind howls, and death is very near....
  13. Endgame, part 1-- Mechanical Plague. Nearly forty years since the last Black Moon War the Mekani have returned with six mighty warships, threatening to take over the globe. It is up to a new generation of heroes, lead by a young Sailor Moon, to defend the Earth from the renewed danger from beyond the stars.
  14. Endgame, part 2-- Between Scylla and Charybdis. The heroes of the previous wars and the new generation join forces, but the Mekani have allies as well! It will take more than brute force and cunning to thwart the Mekani and their allies, but it will take luck to overcome yet a third enemy that lurks in the shadows....
  15. Endgame, part 3-- Judgement Day. At the climax of the Third Black Moon War, great sacrifices must be made to ensure the future of Earth and its people, but is Neo Queen Serenity prepared for such measures? The world hinges on the world monarch, and the world will never be the same again.... Cast sheets: Page 1, Page 2. WARNING: Both pages are spoilers for the end of the series, so I don't suggest looking unless you don't care or already passed that point.

Rogues Gallery.

Wheel of Fire. This contains minor spoilers pertaining to the characters.
Fanart Gallery

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