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Here you can find some articles written by people about Magic: the Gathering. If you would like to submit an article, please send it to It can be about anything MTG related. Now, onto the articles!
Too many abilities in MTG? by Radiant
5 color decks in a multi-player enviroment by Jerhova of the MiG Outpost
Prophecy Top 10 By Dragonmaster of Dragonmaster's Magic Page
How Wizards Can put Magic back on top by Radiant
Does Magic Need a Facelift? By Radiant
Exodus Review by: Khonsu
Invasion? I have a different idea... by: Radiant ***WARNING: this article is really stupid, read @ your own risk***
Magic vs. Pokemon by Oddish
Top 10 Planeshift Cards by Radiant
Apocalypse Card by Card Analysis Part 1- Black by Cainefate
Apocalypse the Underrated by Kird Ape