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Silver Quill FAQ's

Q. Why does the Silver Quill Award charge an entry fee?

A. The small entry fee charged for submissions is necessary because of the amount of entries we receive. This helps to pay for our time in reading each entry, editing the pieces and promoting the books.

Q. Why is there a monthly topic? What if I don't write a story or poem that fits that topic for the month?

A. The topic each month is a suggestion, not a guideline. If you have written a piece that does not fit within the topic, we are more than happy to read it. Many authors simply need an idea to get started on a story or poem, and the topic for the month is aimed to help provide that.

Q. What types of rights does the Silver Quill obtain if I win?

A. Upon winning, the author agrees to give Roberts Publishing one time only electronic rights to the winning piece. These rights are secured by us for the period of one year. These rights also include the electronic cd rights of the piece. Some antoholgies may at some point be put onto a cd (text version), and the Silver Quill contract will include the acquisition of those rights. The author is free to sell their piece elsewhere during that year, so long as it is not published electronically.

What if I don't agree to those terms?

A. By entering your story into the Silver Quill you are agreeing to those terms. Should you enter your work without reading the submission guidelines, and then be chosen as a winner you will be held to the terms of the guidelines. These guidelines are not negotiable.

What does the Silver Quill Winners Circle benefit me?

A. The Silver Quill Winners Circle is a permanent listing of all past winners of the award. In the future, should you use your win as a reference on a writing resume or as a writing credit, you will be able to list the website of The Courtyard as a reference. This page will be accecible to anyone, and will serve as proof of your accomplishment.

Q. After I am notified that I have won the Silver Quill, when does my work go up on the site?

A. As soon as I notify you that you have won, I send you the contract via email. You print it up, sign it, and send it back. Once we receive this, we post your work up, as well as sign it, make you a copy and send it back to you along with a certificate of achievement.

Q. Can I get a hard cover of the book as my complimentary copy instead?

A No. Roberts Publishing is an electronic publisher only.

Q. Can I post my story up on my website?

A No. The contract states that Roberts Publishing buys all electronic rights for the term of one year. By placing your story, or poem on your website, then you would be in breach of your contract by publishing your work electronically.

Q. Can I send my winning work out to magazines and contests?

A. Yes, as long as they do not publish the winning work electronically. If they are a print publisher, or you receive a prize that is not related to electronic publishing, you are welcome and encouraged to send your work out to other venues to gain exposure.

Q. How long does it take from the time my story wins to the time the book is published?

A. It all depends on the number of entries. It takes several entries to fill a book. Some months the Silver Quill is inundated with entires, and other months we are not. It is hard to predict when the slower months are and how many entries to expect. We try to compile the book as soon as possible.

Q. How is the title for the book chosen?

A. I sit down with Dr. Kelly Roberts of Roberts Publishing and we discuss the general theme of the pieces in that particular book. For instance, "Dawn," was chosen because many of the stories, in fact almost all of the stories and poems, focused on turning points in someone's life. This caused them to change direction, or see things a new way, therefor it was as if the world was dawning a new day for them. We try to make the title appropriate to the work.

Q. Can I receive feedback from readers who purchase the book? Do you solicit readers feedback, or post comments on your site?

A. We always welcome readers feedback. We receive this in the form of letters sent to us after they have read the book. We do not ask for this feedback on the site, nor do we publish their comments on the site. The reason for this is that between the Silver Quill authors, and the authors under contract at Roberts Publishing, the numbers are quite large. We feel if we were to do this for one, we should do this for all, and we simply do not have the space to do this. When we do receive feedback from a reader, we send it on to the author personally, and let them know that somebody enjoyed their work. We feel this is an important process in publication.

Q. Do you send the books out for review?

A. Yes. As part of our promotions, we send the books out to various places on-line for literary review. Our first anthology, "Reflections," was reveiwed by Reading Corner and received a WONDERFUL review from them. We have confidence in the writers and works that we choose and are happy to send the books out for review.

Q. What does Roberts Publishing and The Courtyard do to promote the anthologies?

A. We post ads online, send the books out for review, post in writing groups, link to other related websites, do promotional sales, post in our various newsletters, update our website, etc. We work hard to get the word out about the book, and hope that you, the writer, will do the same. We are all trying to accomplish the same goal, to sell these books.

Q. Can previous winners submit new work to the competition?

A. YES! In fact, we have several past winners who have won multiple times. I encourage this. I always like to see writers return to the competition.

Q. Do you help find writers other publication opportunities or jobs?

A. The Courtyard is set up for that very purpose, for ALL writers. To help writers find the places that will buy their work, promote them and their career and find the resources they need. Many writers from the Silver Quill have been able to use their win in our competition as a credit on their resume and sell their work elsewhere easier.

Where can I get information on the Silver Quill, news, etc.?

A. Roberts Publishing has a newsgroup especially for Silver Quill winners to keep them appraised of payments, book release dates, special book deals for the authors, and so on. To subscribe, write to and ask Dr. Kelly Roberts to place you on the mailing list. The Courtyard also runs a newsgroup, for general updates on the website, not specifically directed to only Silver Quill winners, but it does update you on what is happening at The Courtyard, when a new page is added, new links are posted, and more. To subscribe, simply visit the main page of The Courtyard and submit your email to The Courtyard Scribblings newsgroup.

This page is meant to help inform, and clarfiy any questions about the process of winning the Silver Quill award, and becoming a published author of Roberts Publishing. I encourage you to print this page for reference, and save it for your files. If you have any questions that were not addressed here, please feel free to write me, Erica Davis, at or Dr. Kelly Roberts, owner of Roberts Publishing, at

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