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December 20, 2006 - Wednesday

Cool but dry. Yes!

I went to bed quite late last night so I wasn't able to get up very early this morning. It was still technically morning when I got up, but it wasn't early by any definition. Oh well. I really didn't have any plans for the day anyway.

Out and About

Around 2:30 this afternoon I decided that I really should go to the bank and pay my water bill. I've been hoping to catch this month's bill so I could pay them both together, but I haven't been able to do that yet. I hopped on my bike and went to the nearest branch of the Yamagata bank. I got there in time, filled out my form and took a number. It was all very simple and I paid my bill and went on my merry way...across the street to a convenience store. I got a few things to eat and drink there as I hadn't eaten yet today.I biked from there off to my school. At my school I set the heater for tomorrow and then had my food. I read a bit of my magazine...actually I finished it, and then left for home.

At Home & At Night

I was still hungry so I ate a leftover salad from the other day and finished up my soup. It was good. I watched last night's Doctor Who too. That was cool. The Doctor and Rose met Queen Victoria, and I think they made the preamble to the spin-off series. I'm sure I'll never get to see that.

I was on my computer for a bit after that, until Fumihiko came home around 7.

We went to the drug store to buy toilet paper. Now, I'm pretty particular about my TP, for various reasons, and the grocery store didn't have any last night. We got the right kind and also picked up some detergent. Fumihiko washes so many clothes that we go through a box really quickly. Way too quickly if you ask me!

We came home and Fumihiko made dinner. It was good, but there wasn't enough. We had garlic pork and sauteed spinach and ham. I did up the dishes while Fumihiko watched boxing. (bleck)

We settled in on the couch and watched Desperate Housewives. It was fun tonight. Susan met a nice doctor while on a bad date, Bree got arrested for drunk driving and Gabrielle discovered that there were naughty pictures of her on the internet.

And that was my day. I had a good day. Catch you tomorrow! Night night.


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