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December 21, 2006 - Thursday

Clear and cold.

Today was quite boring in a way. I got up early and I watched the news. I did a couple of loads of laundry, showered and then did some computer stuff.

I cooked my lunch in the later part of the afternoon, watched a bit of Friends and an episode of Brisco. One of the guests in the Brisco County Jr episode was more recently seen in The West Wing as Donna. That was interesting.

I went off to work, prepared my lesson for next time, and then taught my lesson for today. It went very well. We both had a good time.

I came home via the drug store where I had a nice conversation with the clerk. I really miss people talking to me casually, so it was really fun. I just wanted to buy some vitamins and my echinecha. I got there just 5 minutes before the store closed, but I didn't dawdle and got my stuff and left the store. When I was at the bank I used to hate it when customers with complicated stuff would come in just before we closed.

When I got home, Fumihiko wasn't there. He was still working. Poor guy. It was after 9:30 when he got home. We went out to dinner to Gusto. We both had the same thing, a hamburger, and it was good. After our dinner we visited the grocery store and then came home. We had a quiet evening at home. Fumihiko has gone off to bed, although not off to sleep. I'm just happy that he's in bed. These days he stays up way too late. I do too, but I'm a night owl, he isn't.

So that was my day. Two classes tomorrow and then I'm done for the year. Yeah. Wish me luck!


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