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January 1, 2007 - Monday - Happy New Year.

Clear and not too cold.

An okay day. I slept in very very late this morning, with a difference! Hubby woke me up before 10 am to tell me that he was leaving to go to his Mum's. So, I got up, set my alarm clock and went back to sleep on the couch. When my alarm rang, I called Fumihiko! He didn't want to spend a lot of time with his Mum, so we set up this calling system. I'd call and said that I needed him after an hour and a half! Just like on a bad date!

When he came home, he went to bed and slept a bit more. We got our nengajo later in the afternoon. I got quite a few, but less than I expected. Later on, he had to go back to his house to walk his dog. I asked him to drive to my school to check it quickly. There were no problems and no nengajo. Sigh. We had a quick bite at Tsukiya, then Fumihiko dropped me off at home and went on to his house.

When he came home an hour or so later, we went out to get some coffee creamer and dinner stuff. We already had some things, but got a bit more. We came home and had coffee (hand milled!) and dinner. It was quite nice.

After that, we decided to check and see how many nengajo we still needed to make. We got a few that we didn't send to the people. We had to make about 6, but only had four cards left. Fumihiko went out to buy more. I was honestly glad to let him go because I was in a weird mood and I wanted to be alone. While he was gone I watched a couple of episodes of Corner Gas and that fixed me right up!

When he came back, I had almost finished making the cards that we already had. Fumihiko couldn't find blank ones though, he had to buy preprinted ones. That was nice for me as I didn't have to make them up! We watched a movie in the evening too. We watched Porco Rosso, yet another Miyazaki movie. I didn't like it too much. It was okay, some of the animation was beautiful, but parts of the story didn't make much sense. It may improve the next time I watch it.

Fumihiko made soba again and after that he was channel surfing and found Bridget Jones' Diary on in Japanese. He was disappointed that it was on only in Japanese, so I suggested putting on our dvd of it! He did. He fell asleep a little in the middle, but I loved watching it again.

Anyway, that was my evening. The first day of the year passed quite nicely. Hurray for that.

I'll talk to you tomorrow, most likely! Night night.


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