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June 30, 2007 - Saturday

Sunny but very very cloudy.

It's already after 2 am now and I have to go to bed soon as I must get up early tomorrow morning. Ack! Why did I plan this thing for so early...because that's when people would come, isn't it? At least here it is. Anyway, I just have time for a quick update.

I managed to get up this morning and watched The 4400 before Fumihiko and I went out for brunch. We went to Gusto where we had an okay meal.

My two classes went really well today. I think all of the students had fun. I know I did so that's usually a good sign!

Fumihiko picked me up and we had coffee in Doutors. Then, I tried to get a zucchini in the mall. They had them, but they were tiny and really expensive, so I passed. I also passed on the one French loaf left in the bakery.

We went home for a bit, well, I did, while hubby walked his dog. Then, he came home. We went for dinner to Amarume's not Amarume anymore, it was re-named a while ago, but I can't remember the new name! We had quite a nice dinner, but the waitress at this restaurant is terrible. We were trying to read the specials menu but she really wanted us to go upstairs to our table. Then, when we said we weren't ready to order yet, she hung around in the room, rather than giving us our privacy. Still, the food was quite nice. We had sirloin steak.

We came back to Tsuruoka and went shopping. Boy did we shop! I spent a lot of money, but I stayed in my budget. Hopefully there'll be enough food. We did get a lot of veggies so I hope that makes up for there not being a huge amount of meat. There'll be a bunch of noodles too, so they tend to be quite filling. Now, if it doesn't rain, we'll be set.

We came home and watched a little TV while I waited for the butter to warm up. I wanted to make garlic toast. I added tons of garlic powder to the melty butter, then sliced the loaves and spread it in the cuts. It's one of my specialities for barbecues here. We had to get 3 small loaves, but they usually get eaten very quickly, so hopefully they'll be popular.

And that's about it. I have to make ready a few more things. I just remembered I need to take garbage bags, and I think I'll pack up a few knives and my cheapo cutting board. There never seems to be enough to go around at these kinds of things.

Wish me lots of luck. I may never do this again! My hair is already grey or I would be worried about it turning grey tomorrow.

Gotta go, night!


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