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July 2, 2007 - Monday

Rainy and cloudy, clearing in the afternoon.

I got up this morning around 8:30 checked the TV and the news, then went back to bed for a glorious few more hours! When I got up, I had some leftover quiche and watched my video'd shows. They were okay. The Dead Zone was good, as was CSI, but Joey was only so so. He was okay in Friends, but not by himself.

I putzed around the apartment for a while. In the late afternoon I went out to the mall. I wanted to get something for the school, and I ended up buying something for my apartment too. What was it? It was a toilet roll holder. For some reason I'm often the person left with only a square of paper left on the roll. Another person in this household rarely changes the roll of toilet paper. Our spare TP is on a high shelf in the bathroom. It isn't easy to get a roll down in a hurry.

I had a glass of iced coffee and then I came home. I rode Fumihiko's bike today as mine was in the shop being checked out. Of course, I had to blow up both tires before I could go anywhere. Hubby hardly ever uses his bike. It's rather sad actually.

In the evening, Fumihiko came home a bit later than usual, but he'd already walked his dog. He asked about going out for dinner, but promptly fell asleep on the couch. It was almost 10 pm before he woke up, and we went out.

We had dinner at M's Dining and it was very nice. After dinner we hit the grocery store for tomorrow night's dinner. Fumihiko had just paid for the groceries when I realized I hadn't bought wasabi. I walked back quickly and got a tube. I got into a long line up of people with tons of stuff, but luckily another cash register opened. I paid and then we drove home. When we got home, I realized that I'd forgotten to buy eggs. Oh no! It's quite hard to make omelettes without eggs. I should have made a list.

We spent a nice evening together at home. We watched ER on tape. It was quite good. Luka told Sam that Abby is having a baby, and Dr. Clemente's girlfriend was shot by her husband, although everyone thinks that Clemente did it.

And that was my day. It was pretty good actually.

Talk to you tomorrow? Night.


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