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December 20, 2007 - Thursday

Rainy for most of the day.


It was an okay day today. Actually, some of it was great! Fumihiko had a doctor's appointment and went off to the hospital early. He came back soon. His appointment wasn't until 11. Silly man.

He made coffee and I got up and watched the news, then did a bit of internet stuff. Fumihiko watched telly until I told him he should get back to the hospital. While he was gone I took my shower and got dressed. I printed out a few of my nengajo when I came back, and they looked great! I've decided to personalize the cards in a few cases. When Fumihiko came back, we decided to go out for lunch.

Lunch today was at Simon. We were finally able to go there! I had fish and Fumihiko had steak. It was great. The presentation was quite interesting...we got our side dishes on a tray first, and then a few minutes later our main courses arrived in the middle of the table. It did make it easy to share, except, we didn't! After lunch we went to a post office to mail a Christmas Card. I got 2 yesterday, and one was from someone that I hadn't sent one too. Oops. We also quickly visited a nearby bank machine. I put a bit of money in for my business. Then, I wasn't sure what Fumihiko wanted to do, but when I asked him, he suggested karaoke. Hurray! So we went over to Manekineko for 2 hours. We had a great time. I did a lot of Christmas stuff which made me feel good. I had told Fumihiko I would pay because he'd bought lunch, but he was robbed! I only had to pay 400 yen for the two of us for 2 hours AND drink bar. Amazing.

As it had been a long time since we'd eaten I suggested getting a quick bite. I was going to go to my school soon and would be there for a while. We went and had chicken salads at McDonalds. It was quite nice.

Fumihiko dropped me off and I got ready for work. I prepped a bit for tomorrow's classes and changed. When my student came, we had a good time. We talked about blogging and if I should start a school blog. I don't think I can, but a webpage for my school would be a good idea. Thing is, I could do a lot of the coding, but not the Japanese writing!

After my student finished I had some coffee, did dishes and set up for tomorrow. I called Fumihiko and got him to come and get me. We went for dinner to the tonkatsu restaurant. That was really nice.

We came home and then relaxed. Around midnight I turned on the telly to watch Little Britain. It was so funny, but it seemed like it was the last two episodes of the season.

And that's it. My day. It was quite good. Tomorrow, Fumihiko has a half day at work before coming back and going to the hospital again. He's getting another MRI tomorrow. I hope everything goes well.

Got to go. Night night!


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