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December 27, 2007 - Thursday

Clear in the daytime, then rainy at night.


I woke up this morning at 4 something with a screaming headache. Sigh. What on earth is going on? I've been surfing the internet (probably a mistake!) and I could have either cluster headaches, migraines, an aneurysm or meningitis. Hopefully it's none of the above. Fumihiko has told me if it gets worse tomorrow or if I can wait until Saturday he'll take me to see a doctor. Frankly, much as I hate doctors, I think I need to go. It may be something simple like I spend too much time on my computer (Who, me?) or that I need glasses or something. Anyway, I took some Tylenol and went back to sleep.

Today I got up and watched the news. I relaxed a bit as my head was hurting, then I did some beading. I put about 200 small beads onto my crochet cotton. It was a bit difficult as the needle was too big for some of the beads. I cut my thumb at one point. Then I decided to use my needler threader. It worked much better. I also did a couple of loads of laundry. I washed the table cloth from Christmas day and a load of my clothes. I've just been putting them off and off.

I had lunch while watching Poirot. Today was an episode that I had seen before, so it wasn't such a treat as the last ones had been. Still good though.

Around 3:30 or so, I went out to one of the hundred yen shops. I wanted to find a smaller crochet hook, which I did. Yay. I also got more needle threaders. I didn't want to break the one that came with my needles.

I came home and spent some quality time with my Mac, then Fumihiko came home. He was tired, but we chatted for a while.

We went out for dinner to M's Dining tonight. Fumihiko wanted to have their ramen and I didn't mind going there. I had their Mega Burger and I was impressed. It was decent! In fact, I'd venture saying that it was in the top three burgers that I've had in Japan. (That isn't saying too much as burgers here generally aren't that good. My best one? West Park Cafe in Haneda Airport. Oh my goodness. Eight months later and I'm still raving about it.) Anyway, the burger came with mayo and tomato on it, plus probably teriyaki sauce. On the side was some sliced pineapple and a couple of sour pickles. The pineapple immediately made its way onto the burger and near the end so did the pickles. Yum.

We came straight home after the meal. As we had nothing planned, I suggested watching Ratatouille, the movie that Fumihiko got me for Christmas. It was great! So imaginative. I really wish that I could have seen it in the theatre. While I watched the movie I did a bit of crochet, making most of a coaster. I decided to wait until daytime though to see if I'm beading it correctly. It's been a long time since I've done anything too crafty.

And that was my day. My headache is back to full force tonight. I think I'm going to take some medicine soon and get to bed. Argh.

Night night!


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