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June 30, 2008 - Monday

Hot and sunny.


A good day. I got up in time to watch the non-existant news, so I watched the end of Forrest Gump instead. Then, I spent way too much time on my computer.

In the afternoon I put on one of the movies that I've got on tape, Sunshine and did something radical. I cleaned my desk! I've had a mound of stuff on my desk for ages, all precariously balanced. At times little avalanches of paper would hit the floor. Yesterday, I bought a couple of file trays, so I stacked them at one corner and put things I want to keep in them. I also got a small tray for things like pens, inks, glue with a section for hand creams and things I often use at my computer. It looks....better! Yay me.

In the afternoon I watched Cold Case and then put on a British movie that I'd bought second hand. It was good. A gripping crime drama. Fumihiko came home right at the very end of it.

When he came home he was busy right off the bat. I felt sad because he barely even said hello to me. He was in and out, rushing around to get money from people and all. I had a bit of a lie-down, then he came in, hugged me and asked me to do some printing for him. Argh! Then, when I checked my email, his letter wasn't even in my inbox yet. It's surprising how something that only has to go across the room takes so long to get to my computer! I did get it a few minutes later and printed it for him.

We went out for dinner quite late tonight, and drove to Sakata. We popped into the mall for a quick cash stop, then had dinner in Sakata at Steak Miya. We both had steak, with rice or bread and drink and soup bar. We added on ice cream this time too. Fumihiko had a big cup of ice cream before his steak even arrived. I don't understand that, I really don't. I was a bit fearful about not getting any tonight, but I did. Hurray.

We came back to Tsuruoka via the gas station. Apparently with the new month starting tomorrow, the price of gas will go up. It wasn't busy here in Tsuruoka, although in Sakata it was quite lined up.

We had a quiet evening at home after that. We watched Medium at 11pm. It's one of the few "detective" show types that I can get hubby to watch. He doesn't think it's a detective show and I sort of agree. However, I like the show.

And that was my day. I have to do quite a bit of catching up with my entries for movies and books as I haven't written up the last ones I've seen/read. So, I'll catch you tomorrow....on Canada Day. Night night!


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