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December 10, 2008 - Wednesday

Cloudy, then rainy at night.


Today was a good day. I got a lot accomplished. Yes!

Of course I did my get up and watch the news and drink coffee bit, then, I checked email, read blogs, etc. After that... I worked!

First I wrapped all of the presents that I had for my sister and her family. That took ages! Then, just as I was finishing the last present, Fumihiko called. he told me that he had taken the rest of the day off and would come home soon. Ha! My warped little brain began to work....harder.

When Fumihiko came home, I roped him into taking me and an old box with the presents in it to the post office. He drove us there. I bought a new mailing box* there, we transfered the presents to the new box, sealed it up, and took it back to the counter. We sent it off. It was quite expensive, but not as bad as it has been before. I also bought our nengajo and some revenue stamps for my school. Whew. Done.

I asked Fumihiko if he'd like to go for coffee, but on the way realized we were going past the butcher's shop. I bullied my husband into stopping in and ordering our Christmas chicken there. Another thing off my list. We went to Doutors for our coffee, then Fumihiko bought himself a pair of shoes. His last ones weren't looking too good.

We came home and I made dinner. I think tonight it was really nice. We had pork saute with a Worchestershire marinade, spaghetti squash with tuna-soy sauce, daikon salad and the leftover veggies from last night's stew stirfried. Fumihiko and I ate lots! There were some leftovers...guess I have lunch tomorrow done already. Yay.

After dinner we made a quick trip to my school to set the heater for tomorrow, then a little detour into McDonalds for a McFlurry. Fumihiko had never had one before!

We came home and watched Hope Springs. It's a movie with Colin Firth, Minnie Driver and Heather Graham. It wasn't very good, but Colin is so cute I really didn't mind too much.

So, that's about it. I have a few cards still to write, but they are mostly for people living in Japan, so I have a bit of time. Then, there's nengajo. Ack. Still, I'm wussing out this year and doing them by computer. Yay me.

Basically, today was good. Hurray for that. Night!

*Just wanted to say that the box I took the presents to the post office in was one that my sister and I have recycled a few times already and looks rather beaten up, so I didn't want to risk using it again.


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