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NP Tips 1

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| NP Tips 1 | NP Tips 2 | NP Tips 3 | Scam Awareness |


People complain about having to play them to get a few NP. But, the truth is you get more than just NP. Playing games increases your petsˇ¦ stats. For example, the faerie crossword will increase your petsˇ¦ intelligence. And, Poggle solitaire will increase your petsˇ¦ speed. Of, course not every game will. But, You play a few and you'll notice it will tell give you this. So, play games people! Stop being lazy! It gives you NP, items, and increases your pets stats and level. Why spend a fortune on codestones when you can make NP increasing your petsˇ¦ stats instead of losing NP. And, anyone who says they play games and they never get anything is straight out lying. Most games as long as you finish them will give you at least 150np - for example -
Answers to Poggle Solitaire which lets you win 750 NP and can be completed in about 2 minutes. We also get the answers to the Crossword, again under 2 minutes and 2000 NP.
Kiko match can get you about 450 NP, only takes me about 2 minutes to play that one too.
Chomby and the Fungus Balls, again if you just make it to level 3 750 NP and a couple of minutes there too.
Meerca Chase, get 200 points each time you play it, 600 NP and maybe about 5 minutes.
Both the wheels don't even take a minute and you can also speed it up to a few seconds by immediately clicking on the give me my prize button and gives away NP too, up to 10,000.

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