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NP Tips 2

Follow the links below to get to what you want to know about :)

| NP Tips 1 | NP Tips 2 | NP Tips 3 | Scam Awareness |

Make over 35,000np in a day !!

A) First make sure any valuable items you don’t want to lose are not in your inventory and no NP’s are on hand. If the pant devil or any thing bad comes up. You lose nothing. Now, Take your lowest statistic pet and visit the Wheel of Fortune and the Wheel Of Mediocrity This way you never worry about hurting your pet on it. Next, visit the Tiki Tack Tambola for a free gift like codestone and faeries!! Now, visit the Fruit Machine and see what else you can acquire!! Then, visit the Healing Springs to get free Hit points, Items, and may also feed your pets at random. Works best when pets are hungry (This is one way to never have to pay for food again). Finally, go to the Shrine . That goes with the following times
Speed:Every fifth second of the hour
Defense: Every tenth second of the hour
Strength: Every thirty minutes of the hour
Endurance (hit points): Every hour of the day
Level: Every two hours of the day!
Burnt Food: 11:00 - 12:00 NST
Dubloons: 55 seconds past the minute
Million Neopoints: 24:00 24 hour time (nst) conversion to standard time is 12:00 PM neopian standard time!
10 Strength Points: Go to king coltzan at exactly 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 12 o'clock and you can gain ten levels at a time or exactly every 30 minutes after the hour to gain ten strength points.
So, now make sure you do it in this order. First the wheels then the faerie springs. Why? Because, if the wheel hurts your pet and you've already been to the springs well you have to wait and waist the next visit when you could've used this one to already heal them. You can only do this once every 30 min.

B) If it is between 10-11 am, 1-2 p.m., 10-11 p.m. neopian standard time. Visit the Snowager for a free item to sell. It can be a food item to a scratch card a negg or a flaming sword you never know. But be warned it can also hurt your pets!! This can only be done between hours listed.

C) Now, Go to the Tyrannian Giant Omelette located in the tyrannian plateau. This will give you a free slice of omelette you can sell. You can only get one a day. Now, take that omelette and donate it to the money tree. Read something has happened to find out why.

Here is the shop help section: First, let me answer a few questions:
>>Where is the marketplace to buy stuff?
Click shops on your sidebar in neopets. Then, you will see a neotown. Click on any of those shops. >>How will I know how much to price my items once I buy them?
Go to the shop wizard.
>>Wheres the shop wizard?
Go to the shops page. And, at top you will see a Link bar with pictures in it. The lil wizard hat is what you want to click. >>How do I make a shop??
Its not hard - go here to get help.
>>Where do I go to price my items once I placed them in my shop?
Go to the top bar and you will see a little building. Click that - That takes you to your shop.

D) Now, This may take about a lil over an hour. But, it can reward you very nicely and this one makes you about no less than 30,000Np when you’re not even playing. Pick an item that you pay less than 100np for and sells for more than 2000np. Ex. some furniture’s, books etc.. That sells if good quantity’s like 20 at a time in the marketplace. But, make sure their items people want!!!. ( if your new and don’t know what items to buy that people want and will sell for more in your shop go to the guild message board and ask) Here's what you do - Find an hour where you can just go Neoshopping. Since neopets made the restock times random. We actually have to keep refreshing the page through the hour to make every restock time. When the shop restocks Quickly refresh the page till you see it stocking your item. Now, Quickly buy only the one item you selected. Don’t waist you time guessing what to buy. This helps you get more. The best way to do this is click on the item. Click yes when prompted. Now, lets say the item is 52 NP put 55 NP / or / 57np put 55 - that way it'll accept your offer and you don’t waist time finding numbers. Then click - "make new offer". And, Don't click "back to shop"-TAKES TO LONG!! - Just click your back button and click on your item again Then same one. (unless the shop says they are all out of that item. then, refresh to see if anything else good is left!! You should walk out with 4 - 7 or more of that item depending on how much is for sale.
When you know your inventory is gonna be full quickly put these items in your shop (with out) pricing them. This way you make room for more items and also make sure you have enough NP for next visit to that store. By the end of an hour you should have at least 30 of that item - I usually have 50 by 2 hrs. And, when your done price the items in your shop. You'll make 30 items X’s 2000 (selling price) 60,000np and only spent no more than 3000np. I never spent more then 400np. Since I buy items that sell for 27 -35np in the market place. And, resale them for about 2000np - 2500np each. And, I make sure they're lowest or 2nd lowest wizard price so that they WILL sell!!

E) Now, While you wait for your items to sell play games. This way you make NP while making NP. Here are some suggested games that take no more than 4 or 5 min a game and are profitable!!
Pyrimids - Up to 5000np a day Approx. time 10 min
Poggle Solitaire - 650 NP - This one will only give you NP once per day. Appox. Time 6-7 min.
Lenny trivia -25 NP per answer. No limit as long as you haven’t answered that question before. Aprrox. time is 30 sec to one min. an answer.
Crossword - 2000np - Once a day. Aprox. time 5 min. or less - hint be quick.
Kiko Match - 400 plus NP - great game - easy and quick way to get NP - can make NP only 3 times a day.
Meerca Chase - 600 plus. 3 times a day. Time 4 min. Earn 200nps each time you play.
Ultimate Bullseye - 900nps plus. Score 38 and up get 300nps each time. Practice makes perfect ;) Time 5 min.
Warf Rescue Team - 3000nps. Score 200 and win 100nps. Time 6 min.

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