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The Year 1999

"A New Year Has Been Born"

"You Are My Precious Children"

"Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled"

"Come Unto Me All Ye That Labor And Are Heavy Laden"

"Ask And It Shall Be Given To You"

"Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart"

"I Will Cleanse You From All Unrighteousness"

"Come Unto Me, My Children"

"Walk In Newness With Me"

"Arise, Shine, For Your Light Has Come"

"Love One Another"

"I Seek Your Obedience"

"My Grace Is Sufficient"

"Exceedingly Great And Precious Promises"

"I Am Warning My People"

"You Are Beset By The Fiery Darts Of The Wicked One"

"You Are Being Tossed To And Fro"


"Confess Your Sins"

"Are You Ready For My Coming"

"Fellowship With Jesus"

"You Shall Store Up Treasures In Heaven"

"A Closer Walk With Me"

"Suffering For Me"


"I Can Make A Way"

"I Am Preparing You For Your Calling"

"Faith Comes By Hearing"

"Be Still And Know That I Am God"

"Keep Your Eyes Stayed On Me"

"Peace I Leave With You"

"Resist the Devil and He Will Flee From You"

"I Shall Never Leave You Nor Forsake You"

"I Will Pour Out My Spirit On All Flesh"

"Be Anxious For Nothing"

"Be Still And Know That I Am God"

"Fear Not For I Have Redeemed You"

"Be Ever Watching And Listening"

"Do Not Fear"

"Living In The Midst Of Troubled Times"

"Do Not Let Busyness Overcome You"

"Be Strong, Do Not Fear"

"Repent Of All Sin"

"You Shall Have Peace"

"A Deeper Fellowship With Jesus"

"I Am Pouring Out My Spirit"

"He Sent His Word And Healed Them"

"Casting Your Cares Upon Me"

"Suffering "

"Gifts and Callings "

"Love of Possessions "

"Tell My People "

"Scoffers Will Come"

"Love One Another"

"A Closer Walk With Me"

"A Call To Prayer"

"Heirs of God"

"The Power In My Name"

"Stand Fast"

"I Am Present With You"

"My Power And Authority"

"Beware Of False Teachers"

"I Am With You Even In Pain"

"I Am Sounding The Alarm"

"My Remnant People"

"A Word For Someone In Deep Trouble"

"A Word For Those Who Have Lost A Loved One"

"Fear Has No Power Over You"

"Proclaim My Words To The Multitudes"

"In The Midst Of Trials"

"Cast All Fear From You"

"Cracks In Your Armor"

"Do Not Walk In Darkness"

"You Shall Receive Power"

"Great And Precious Promises For Healing"

"The Deeper Things of Me"

"Listen For My Guidance"

"I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You"

"I Am Calling You To Fervent Prayer"

"Healing Is For All"

"Become My Precious Children"

More Will Be Posted as God Leads...

Email: Dorothea Montague

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