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  Doublemoon Kingdom
Welcome Sailor Senshi Lovers! ^_^

Thanks for the wait..everything on my outers and starlights page has been fixed. Hope you enjoy!

::top SM sites::
*::moon beam club::*
::e-mail me::

  Welcome Moon Fan's to Sailor Asuka's Double Moon Kingdom. Here you will find profiles on all the charactors, links to other great Sailor Moon sites, music, and lots...lots more! This page also has an updates page, so you can find out what I have added from time to time! I hope that as you venture forth through my wondeful page that you will sign my questbook and maybe even e-mail me! ^_^ ~Sailor Asuka~

click here to view theSailor Moon Image Gallery's

Copyrights: SailorMoon is sole property of Kodansha, Naoko Takeuchi, and
TOEI animation studios; Japan. The american version is copyrighted to DIC.