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The Bible, Ancient Israel
& Economics

This is a brief study of three economic commands given by God, specifically the law that the price of land be fixed (Leviticus 25:15-16, 23 and 27:16-18) the restrictions on interest, and the forbidding of profit on food. Several important questions can be answered:

  1. Did God specify what kind of economy he wanted Israel to have? Or did he leave it to develop without restrictions?
  2. How did the economy actually turn out?
  3. Do these laws apply today? Are there any lessons we can learn from them?

God has given us very wide latitude in how to run our lives, but there are some things he restricted for our own good. Unfortunately, in the case of ancient Israel, these laws were never fulfilled. We have no example of what could have been. This was not a fault of the law, or an oversight on God’s part. People chose to disobey.

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