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Natural Disasters

If God is so good, why do natural disasters happen to so many people? What about all the children? And finally, whether God is behind it or not, what are people to do about such things? The Bible gives clear answers.


The main reason why the world is as it is today is because of sin (human error, human wrong doing, human rebellion against God, human ignorance, and human irresponsibility).

When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, they opened the door to natural disasters (Genesis 3:17).

The garden of Eden was a special place where two people who knew nothing of good and evil, could live without any problems. This means Adam and Eve could have neglected their duties without any consequences. God would not blame or punish them because they wouldn’t know that neglecting their duties was “bad.” They would not be, and could not be held responsible.

Adam and Eve could make normal human mistakes or even do something bad, and God would not punish them. In other words, by God’s grace and mercy, Eden was a “protected zone”.

Isaiah 5:1-6 describes what happens when God withdraws his protection due to human sin. All the good things are withheld, and natural disasters are allowed to occur.

The world outside the garden was very different. Today we can see evidence all around us of an earth filled with past catastrophes: massed extinctions, geological upheavals, droughts, floods, landslides, forest fires, freak storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail and of course tsunamis.

Is this fair or just of God to condemn the human race because of the sin of two people?

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