This web site is no longer being updated. The new updated site (without ads) can be found at: Bible Issues Salvation & Keeping The FaithWhat It Means To BelieveIf you believe there is a RIGHT WAY, and that there is a God who rewards the good and punishes the wicked, here are a few brief steps to guide you into knowing him. The first part deals with how not to go about knowing God. The second part is only the beginning of a long road. I hope you won’t be discouraged. The Way Most People Go About Knowing GodBelow are a list of points used by Christians to introduce non-believers to God, after mentioning heaven and hell. These basic points have been distilled and simplified until they have lost all meaning. (They are listed here in no particular order.)
These points are only the beginning, and they are not understood properly by unbelievers or even by new believers. Unfortunately, most people stop with these points and their spiritual lives go no further. In fact, most of them leave Christianity exactly as the points listed above, making religion only an intellectual exercise. For the rest of this article, visit it's new location: Bible Issues