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Archaeology Confirms
The Bible Record

Most of the articles on this site, and especially these pages can be attributed to the book Miracle In History. Without this book, these articles may never have been written.

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1. Passing this information to your friends.
2. Purchasing the book, Miracle In History, studying it and passing its information on.

(Before continuing with the actual study a little background explanation is necessary. Please read: Things To Keep In Mind)


Despite what archaeologists and historians say, they cannot “disprove” the Bible. On the other hand, neither can archaeology “prove” the Bible is true and accurate. Nevertheless, the Bible actually fits many of the archaeological finds. It is the “interpretation” of those finds that contradict the Bible. A second look at the facts, and a new interpretation brings the Bible and history together. It is time for Christians to accept the Bible’s historical record and prepare a ready answer for the skeptics.

The following essay combines history, archaeology and the Bible, demonstrating that the Exodus from Egypt and the Conquest of Canaan during the 15th century B.C. was not only possible, but actually fits the facts. Part I covers the Exodus itself. Part II deals with the Conquest 40 years later. Part III shows how Israel grew. Common arguments against a 15th century Exodus and Conquest will also be presented and answered.

For the rest of this article, visit it's new location: Bible Issues

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