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The Wealth Of Solomon (Other Costs)

Tyrian Trade Contract

Solomon built for 36 years. He built his own house, the temple, and also fortified the cities of Israel. Using the Septuagint’s higher numbers of what he paid for Phoenician timber and expertise, we have another expenditure: 20000 cor of wheat, 20000 cor of oil, 20000 cor of barley, and 20000 baths of wine for each of the 20 years.

Contract Details
Item Qty (cors) Unit
Shekels / Unit Yrs Conversion
(divide by)
Wheat 20,000   4.72 / cor 36 81,000 41.956
Oil 20,000 220 litre/cor 0.25/litre 36 81,000 488.889
Barley 20,000 6 bu/cor 0.2625/bu 36 81,000 14.000
Wine 20,000 bath 22 litre/bath 0.05/litre 36 81,000 9.778
Total: 554.623
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