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The Wealth Of Solomon

Background Information

Ancient Weights, Measures, Prices & Wages

1 silver talent = 3000 silver shekels = 660 000 grains, or 220 grains/shekel.
1 gold talent = 10000 gold shekels = 1 320 000 grains, or 132 grains/shekel.
(See Weights Entry: Smith’s Bible Dictionary, by William Smith, Thomas Nelson Publishing 1986.)
1 silver shekel = 220 grains 1 drachma = 1 denarius
1 gold daric = 129 grains
1 Roman stater = 1 Jewish stater (shekel) = 4 drachmae = 4 denarii
(Money Entry: Smith’s Bible Dictionary.)

As Mr. Smith points out, the Jewish gold shekel of 132 grains was later reduced to match the more international gold daric of 129 grains. On the other hand, the silver shekel, from Old Testament times remained at 220 grains (since God frowned on the debasing or tampering of the common currency).

1 cor = 10 ephah = 220 litres = 6 bushels
1 bath = 1 ephah = 22 litres = ½ bushel
1 mina = 1/60 talent = 50 shekels
(1 quart = 1.136 litres)
(Weights & Measures, Smith’s Bible Dictionary.)

Wages & cost In Ancient Athens**
acropolis labourer1 drachma/dayAthens’s Walls17,000,000 drachma
architect2 drachma/daygoat10 drachma
potter1 drachma/dayhouse2000 drachma
hoplite at siege2 drachma/day1 litre olive oil3 obols
housemaid2 obols/daytrireme6,000 drachma
seasonal labourer2 obols/day5 litres wine1drachma
mud carrier3 obols/daycow50 drachma
slave miner (+food)1 obol/dayhorse1,200 drachma
temple builder2.5 drachma/day25 kg wheat3 drachma
3 obols = 1 drachma

(Ancient Coin Collecting II, by Wayne G. Sayles, Krause Publications 1997 Iola Wisconsin)
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