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The Wealth Of Solomon

Sources Of Income

David’s Gift

David provided the temple plan, the organization, music, gold, silver and much more. His personal treasure consisted of 3000 gold talents, and 7000 silver talents (1 Chronicles 29:4-5). It can be assumed David’s many other assets went into the temple or cancelled many of Solomon’s unlisted expenses.

Personal Treasure
ItemConversion (divide by)Gold Talents
3,000 gold talents13 000.000
7,000 silver talents27259.259
Total:3 259.259

Conquest Tribute

Israel conquered many nations under David’s leadership. Over David’s 40 year reign, the nation accumulated tribute of 100,000 gold talents, and 1 million silver talents (1 Chronicles 22:14).

National Treasure
ItemConversion (divide by)Gold Talents
100,000 gold talents1100 000.000
1,000,000 silver talents2737 037.037
Total:137 037.037
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